How Fasting Can Help You Battle Lust

Lust is wrecking the lives of so many men in the church.

The worst part of this evil enemy is that many men think they cannot be freed from it. They believe they have to keep trying to manage their lustful thoughts and just rebuke them as they come.

However, living lust free is possible. As a man who took up the fight over 30 years ago and won, I can tell you from first-hand experience, you can be free from this evil adversary. In fact, by utilizing the proven methods found in my book, Lust Free Living, I take the initiative to fight every day.

Although I’ve been living lust-free for over 30 years, this is a daily battle I engage in because I know if I let up lust will not quit. Lust will never quit, so equip yourselves with every tool you can to fight it. In this article, I want to give you some tips to fight lust daily.

Lust will come at you in unsuspected ways. Lust presents itself as a plaything for you, but as you have learned, it is vicious. Lust is not just playing with you; lust has waged war. Since war has been declared, you have to make a few primary decisions. Are you willing to fight? Are you willing to kill? Are you willing to be killed?

In the Old Testament, God gave the Promised Land to the tribes of Israel as an inheritance. But in order to get their inheritance, they had to go to war and kill to receive what God had already given them. In the New Testament, God has given us the lust-free nature of Christ. We just need to go to war with lust in order to receive that nature.

It’s a war you have to be absolutely willing to fight. You have to kill the enemy and any part of your flesh that wants to hold onto it. You have to be able to kill lust’s existence in your life for good, not just for a little while.

Fasting is one way to kill your flesh. Fasting is a great spiritual discipline to sanctify you towards God. To fast is to go without food for a period of time. Fasting is a way of telling God you are truly serious about an issue.

Utilizing this is not a gimmick. You can’t come to this with the belief that if you fast X amount of times, you will be lust-free. Many men fast plenty, but don’t get immediate freedom.

God has honored many of us that have fasted. This spiritual discipline puts in motion your ability to receive information you need to move toward a lust-free life. Before fasting, make sure you have no medical issues. You will also want to include Scripture reading to support you on your fast.

Fasting can be very hard for men. But it is a real symbol of putting God and others before your own needs. It is one of the tools against lust that can be helpful. Personally, I ask God if I should fast before I begin. I believe seeking out God before fasting is a good practice in obedience.

If you can fast obediently and not believe it is a manipulation tool to avoid the daily work of having a lust-free life, then fasting may be a good weapon to add to your arsenal.

I encourage you to take up the fight and fill your arsenal with weapons for daily battle. If you want a free 7-day plan filled with tips and scriptures to fight lust, join my YouVersion Bible App plan, Living Lust Free – A 7 Day Journey. I would also like to invite you to join me for a conference dedicated to expelling sexual immorality from the church. This conference is called Integrity Journey and is open to men and women as well as ministry leaders around the world.

You are at war. This isn’t a game. Your destiny and your family are at stake. It’s your choice: kill the enemy, or embrace the enemy. Now that you realize you are at war, act like it and declare your freedom. {eoa}

Doug Weiss, Ph.D., is a nationally known author, speaker and licensed psychologist. He is the executive director of Heart to Heart Counseling Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and the author of several books including, Lust Free Living. You may contact Dr. Weiss via his website, or on hisFacebook, by phone at 719-278-3708 or through email at [email protected].

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