Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Have You Stepped Out of the Boat Lately?

Man praying

Francis Chan wrote: “If our life makes sense to an unbeliever, then there is something wrong.”

I have been thinking about that a lot the past couple of months. I tend to want to be in charge and make “rational decisions” about how I do life.

I am trying to get the courage to step out of the boat. I have been testing the waters. So far, so good. God is faithful.

I recently quit a good teaching job that was a comfortable situation at a community college. I have spent most of my life making logical decisions, making sure I had all the I’s dotted and the t’s crossed. The reason I quit was I wanted to devote more time to another teaching job that has become a ministry to me. However, I was afraid to let go of the money of a sure thing in hopes that I could make enough in the job I felt God was calling me to pursue. 

On a Thursday night, I decided to go for it—to trust God. The very next day, my department head at the job I was going to quit e-mailed me, telling me she had signed me up to teach a couple of sections on days and times that I had sought in the past. I thought: “God, is this a test to see if I am serious about quitting?”

I was tempted, but I quit. Within two days, I was given more sections to teach at the Christian university where I had been working as an adjunct faculty member. The added classes more than made up what I gave up.

It is working out great! I am confident that I am doing what God has for me to do. I know I am having a positive impact on my students’ lives. I kind of like stepping out of the boat!

For the original article, visit

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