Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Dads, This Is What Your Daughters Really Want From You

Your daughter values these five things in her relationship with you, so make sure you give them to her.

Jason, an Play of the Day subscriber, shared his daughter’s letter with us recently:

“Dear Dad, I love you more than anything in the world. You know that, right? I wrote this because I want you to know how much a daughter needs a father. I’m glad that I have a dad just right. To love me and can talk to me about anything—making good choices, friendships, being a good kid of character, and ALWAYS being a very good person. I love you more than anything in the world!”

Dads, what would you give to have your daughter write you a note like that? What would it be worth to you to enrich the father-daughter love in your house? It’s not a matter of money. It’s a matter of how much time you’re willing to spend with her doing the things she likes to do and how much you encourage her in the process.

Ken Canfield of the National Center for Fathering has done research and found these top five things daughters want from their fathers:

1. Daughters long to hear their fathers communicate love and encouragement. “The best thing my dad has ever done for me is let me know he loves me.” “I wish my father would say, ‘I love you.'” “When my dad encourages me, I feel like I can do anything.”

2. Daughters want their fathers to take time to strengthen their relationship. “I wish my daddy wouldn’t work so much and spend more time with me.” “If I could add one thing to our relationship, I would add time.”

3. Daughters want their dads to communicate with them more and give them guidance. “If we talked more truthfully, we would have a better relationship.” “I wish my dad would talk to me more and give me advice.” “I need more input from my dad.”

4. Daughters want their fathers to seek to understand them. “Sometimes I feel like my father has no idea what I’m going through.” “I wish my father would try and understand me.”

5. Daughters want their fathers to trust them more. “If I could add one thing to our relationship, I would add trust.” “I wish my dad would trust me more.” {eoa}

Dr. Ken Canfield, a nationally known leader and scholar, has committed his life to strengthening families and fathers. He has founded and continues to engage in several organizations dedicated to improving family well-being, most notably the National Center for Fathering, where he served as President for 16 years and the Boone Center for the Family at Pepperdine University. He is currently Director of the Center for the Urban Family, World Impact in Los Angeles.

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