Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Are We Sinning at Times, or Perhaps Simply Foolish?

Man thinking

For years I had wanted a radar detector. Why? I couldn’t say, because I don’t generally drive in places where I would need one. And I’ve only had a handful of tickets.

Maybe I thought I would get even fewer tickets with a radar detector, or none at all.

Whatever my convoluted reasoning, I didn’t want it so I could drive faster. I just wanted one. It seemed like a cool idea to know where the cop was before he knew where I was.

So, I bought one. It came in the mail and I told my wife what I had done.

“Are you out of your stupid mind?” she asked me. “What were you thinking?” Within 15 minutes I realized I needed to take advantage of the 30-day money back guarantee.

It’s worth distinguishing between an error in judgment and an integrity problem. Have I done something dishonest or immoral? Yes, that needs to be dealt with.

But, sometimes we’re just foolish.

Patrick Morley’s mission is to help men grow as disciples and disciple makers—starting at home. In 1991, he founded Man in the Mirror, which consults with churches in all 50 states to help them more effectively disciple their men. He teaches a weekly men’s Bible study to 10,000 men and is the best-selling author of 20 books, including The Man in the Mirror. Learn more at and

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