Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

5 Essential Tools for Your Christian Walk

Essential tools

You know that when you set out to do a good work, it can’t be done without the right tools. The job might be something as simple as hanging a picture frame to something as complicated as building a house. The right tools are essential to get the job done right and efficiently.

As a God-fearing Christian, you should always be looking for new ways to love and please God. Each Sunday service you attend makes you stronger, smarter and loads up your belt with another tool. Each great discussion with a Christian friend is like taking a grinder to a dull chisel. It may take a few minutes to work out the problem or thought, but you’ll come away sharper.

So, what tools has God provided you with in your Christian walk? The thing to keep in mind is that there are so many great tools out there, and they can come in all shapes and sizes. As I personally continue to maintain my walk with God, I continue to discover what tools seem to be the most useful and make the most impact in my life. Be sure to share some tools that are in your belt as well.

Here are 5 essential tools for your Christian walk:

1. Accountability. Accountability in your Christian walk is huge! I can’t say it or stress it enough. I know most of you think you are Superman and can handle any monster that comes your way, but you must remember there is an enemy, and he has his own set of tools to try on you.

What does being accountable look like? Well, it starts with every day. Join forces with a solid Christian friend of yours, and stay in contact daily. You can send him or her a verse, and they can send you a verse. Try to encourage each other and build each other up. If bigger issues come up, talk about them. This tool is very essential and must be sharpened often.

2. A Bible. Reading your Bible often is a great tool to keep you sharp and alert. The lessons and examples in it can effectively help you live a better life and keep valuable lessons at the top of your head.

What does reading your Bibe look like? The best way you can do it is to set up some kind of reading plan. YouVersion has some really great plans that you can download on your smartphone. You can also check the back of your Bible for checklists and more ideas. Grab this tool and start today!

3. Church. Attending a great church is a tool you should really have in your belt. Even if you don’t get a lot out of the message each week, you can effectively build great relationships with like-minded people.

What does attending a church look like? At the very minimum, you should try to attend the Sunday service. Go further, and try to attend some small groups or classes. Through all of these avenues, be intentional about starting relationships with those who attend. Pray about it!

4. Small groups. As I mentioned above, you should definitely get involved in a small group or even a home group with people from your church. These get-togethers create some of the best times, strongest friendships and deepest conversations about God and life.

What does attending a small group look like? Be intentional. You can either ask your friends or church leaders for information, or you can read through your church bulletin or guide. Get into a six-week class with your spouse, or join a class specific to men or women. Don’t wait!

5. Prayer. Jesus taught us all the power of prayer and daily communication with God. Your prayers may not always look or sound pretty, but prayer is a tool you must be very intentional about. Like the heavy-duty carpenter pencil that gets used so often in your belt, prayer must be used often and sharpened daily. Get to work and pray!

These are just a few tools that I use and have had great experiences with over the last few years.

In your own experience, what have you found to be some essential tools in your own Christian walk?

Manturity is a blog built on establishing spiritual maturity in today’s man. The goal is to assist men in building better marriages and help them in grow in maturity and explore different aspects of manhood. features new weekly blog posts, daily social media updates and a powerful resources page. Stay up to date with the Manturity blog communities on Facebook and Twitter.

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