Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

3 Simple Ways to Make Your Wife Feel Appreciated

Husband doting on wife

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa

I know I am guilty of becoming busy and not showing my wife, Lauren, how much I love and appreciate her. She knows I do and I could easily rely on that.

The problem is that love requires more. It takes active thought and action. Particularly when I am traveling and have a heavy workload, I can get caught up in my own world. It’s an easy way for feelings to get hurt and our marriage to get off track.

Just like in football, when you get off track, it’s important to focus on the fundamentals. Each person receives love differently. It’s important for us to know what makes our wives feel loved and cared for. There are a couple of things I know my wife enjoys.

These may seem small and simple. But the point is doing them with consistency and with intentional love. That is what makes all the difference. Here are 3 ways I love my wife.

1. Treat her to dinner out. It’s not hard or particularly creative, but it gives us time together. Our kids and work demand a lot of our attention. We also tend to be in crowds a lot so having a meal together gives us quality time alone where we can talk. It gets us back on the same page.

2. Take walks with her. The day can be hectic and, by the end, we are usually tired. But when the kids go to bed, taking a walk around the neighborhood is a great way to connect. My wife and I enjoy hearing about each other’s day. It is a relaxing way to unwind.

3. Consistently write her love notes. This is something I should do more often. My wife loves written notes. Whether I am on the road or at home, when I write down my feelings for her it makes her feel special. It is also something that she can save and pull out and read at any time. Writing notes, taking walks, and dinner out are the things she loves more than anything. Well, jewelry works too!

There are probably two or three things that your wife loves. Things that make her feel loved and appreciated. They are probably small, everyday things. What are they? When is the last time you’ve done them for her? It may be time to get back to the fundamentals.

What are some ways you make your wife feel appreciated?

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