Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

10 Texts to Send Your Wife in the Next 10 Days

Will you take this text challenge?

A few months ago, I posted 10 texts to send to your kids or grandkids in the next 10 days. The response was incredibly positive.

Thousands of you shared the post and commented with other great suggestions. Texting (unless you’re driving, of course) can be a great way to send a much needed note to someone you love.

Today, I’d like to encourage husbands to take the challenge. Here are 10 texts to send your wife in the next 10 days:

1. Of all the guys in all the world, I’m honored to be the one who gets to do life with you.

2. Today’s been a rough day, but thinking of you makes it all worth it.

3. You’re my best reason to go to bed at night and my best reason to get up in the morning. Can’t wait to see you later today!

4. No matter how you feel about yourself today, remember this: There’s at least one person on this earth who knows how awesome you are—me!

5. What can I do to make your day or night easier? Give me some tips … I want to help.

6. I may not always understand you, but I’m trying because I love you. Thanks for being patient with me.

7. I admire your ability to _____________. That is so important to our family. Just wanted you to know that.

8. Remember when we started this life together? Even if we knew then what we know now … I’d do it all over again.

9. If I could drop what I’m doing right now to be with you, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Love you!

10. I just wanted to hit the pause button at work today to let you know how grateful I am to be your husband.

Coming Friday: “10 Texts to Send Your Husband in the Next 10 Days”

Mark Merrill is the president of Family First. For the original article, visit

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