Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

“Girls need women who embrace their God-given womanhood and empower them to love what makes them a godly girl,” says Patti Garibay, founder and executive director.

“On Mother’s Day, AHG recognizes and celebrates the power of a praying mom in raising godly daughters,” she adds. “We’re proud to foster meaningful relationships between mothers and daughters; mentors and mentees; and girls looking for examples of godly women of character, leadership, virtue and integrity.”

“It’s normal for your girl to come to you or her friends when she is going through a tough time,” Garibay explains. “In fact, it’s critical that she has family and friends she can run to when days are dark. As you guide her with your wisdom, remember to also teach your girl the power of prayer.

“God wants His girls to rely on Him for strength to overcome hard times,” she says. “He listens, He cares and He responds to her needs. In the book of Jeremiah, the prophet writes: ‘Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.'”

Not just on Mother’s Day but every day, Garibay urges girl moms, “Set aside time to pray with your girl and show her the power of pouring out her heart to God through prayer.”

Dedicated to building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country, American Heritage Girls has positively impacted the lives of tens of thousands of girls and their families over nearly 30 years by providing age-appropriate programming that teaches valuable life lessons while instilling lifelong faith in Christ.

AHG offers practical and spiritual resources geared to help moms strengthen and pass along their faith as they seek to parent their daughters with biblically sound advice. The AHG website offers online support such as the digital resource, “Teaching Your Daughter About the Power of Prayer and AHG’s new podcast, “Raising Godly Girls.”

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