Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Luke 9:51-10:12 From the time my three sons were toddlers, I prayed that all three would be used as laborers in the last great harvest. Jesus exhorts us to pray for the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers. The harvest is great, but the laborers are few. The Lord sends the laborers. He speaks to the potential laborer and gives him the call for his special field.

Our part daily is to pray for laborers for the harvest. The Lord heard my prayers over the years, and two of our sons have gone to foreign countries, while one is active as a laborer in the harvest in Atlanta. Our middle son, Ron, got his call as a laborer in a very unusual way. He was working on the work crew for a Young Life Camp when suddenly his chores were interrupted by the voice of the Lord. He didn’t hear an audible voice. but he heard this statement with his spiritual ears: “Ron, you are going to China.” This call was confirmed in the next half hour when the work crew had devotionals. The young man leading the devotions that night had a devotion on Hudson Taylor, who ministered in China. Ron knew he was to go as a laborer to China, and he has already spent three years in China and plans to go back.

Ray, our youngest son, was drawn to minister to the Jewish people. He met his wife, who also was called to be a laborer, and she felt drawn to Eastern Europe. One day as she was in the room of one of her friends at school, she saw a map of Budapest. She could not get that beautiful city off her heart and shared with Ray, who at that time was engaged to her, that maybe they should go to Budapest. Ray’s positive response was based on research he made to discover that Budapest has the third largest Jewish population of any city in Eastern Europe. I also received a confirmation for his call fifteen years ago. Upon waking from a nap, I saw an unusual flag in my mind. It was green, white and red with horizontal stripes. I knew it was not Mexico or Italy, since the stripes were horizontal, so I looked it up in the encyclopedia. It was the flag of Hungary, and for years I thought I would have to go to Hungary. I never shared this vision with Ray, but after he told me he was going to Hungary, I shared with him. This was a confirmation to his call. Russ, our oldest son, is called to be a bridge between races in Atlanta, Georgia.

The fields are truly ready for harvesting. Today ask the Lord where your field is. I believe we all have our fields, and many may not be overseas. Your field may be in your own neighborhood or your own family. Today pray for laborers for the harvest, and I believe you also will receive your own call as a laborer in the fields God has chosen for you.

Lord, I know there are works You have designed especially for me from the foundation of the earth. Help me not to miss out on any of these good works. I want to always be in the right place at the right time so the fields You have chosen for me will always be fruitful and provide a great harvest.

READ: Deuteronomy 21:1-22:30; Luke 9:51-10:12; Psalm 74:1-23; Proverbs 12:11

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