The Devil’s Worst Nightmare

Key No. 2: Separate yourself from the accursed thing. In
the days of Joshua, the Israelites were known as people of victory.
They were famous for deliverance. But their challenge was dealing with
the spoils of their victory.

In Joshua’s case, God commanded that they not take any of
the enemy’s goods (see Josh. 6:18). The four lepers who sat at the gate
of Samaria were to take of the goods, but hoarding them would cause
them to lose their deliverance (see 2 Kin. 7).

When God has delivered you and you obtain victory in an
area of your life, you must have an ear to hear the further
instructions of the Lord. God takes you from one level to the next, but
there are new devils on every level.

When you get saved and delivered, you do not join a club
membership; you enroll in the greatest army ever! God is taking His
people from a “membership mentality” to a “warfare mentality” (see
Judg. 3:1).

Key No. 3: Study the Word of God. Second Timothy
2:15 says that if you study the Word of God, you will not be ashamed.
It also says that studying the Word will give you the ability to
rightfully divide the word of truth.

The urgency of studying the Word is made clear in the
story of Hymenaeus and Philetus (see 2 Tim. 2:16-18). They made an
error concerning the truth that caused them to lose their deliverance
and to be turned over to Satan.

Their sin was said to be blasphemy. According to 2
Timothy 2:16, vain babblings will increase and lead to more
ungodliness. When you do not rightfully divide the truth, it will
devour your deliverance.

Key No. 4: Break old ties and soul ties. Second
Corinthians 5:17 describes true deliverance. Old things are passed
away, and, when people see us, all things in our lives appear new.

Romans 12:2 says to be “transformed” into the image of
Christ and not “conformed” to the image of the world. The image of the
world represents what you’ve come out of. The image of Christ is what
you are moving toward.

The “new man” will not fit over the old man. Just like a
floor that must be stripped and buffed before it is waxed, you must be
stripped of every troubling sin or weight. Stay away from the thing
from which you have been delivered (see Heb. 12:1).

Key No. 5: Guard your thought life. You are only as delivered as you think you are (see Prov. 23:7).

My strongest bondages were cigarettes and cocaine. After
I was set free by the power of Jesus Christ, the devil would place
images before me to make me think I was still bound by these addictions.

He told me I was still a junkie. But I knew I was free.

When Satan spoke, I heard him from afar because God’s
voice was so much louder. God said that we would know His voice and
this would help us not to follow the enemy (see John 10:5).

People think that when the devil speaks to them,
something is wrong. But if he is speaking to you, you are doing
something right.

Take responsibility for your deliverance. Once you have submitted yourself to God, learn to resist  the devil. If you do, he must flee! (See James 4:7.)

The devil is not trying to talk you out of what you do not have. He is targeting you because you have something he wants.

Guard your thought life from the enemy. He wants to
confuse you and cause you to doubt your purpose in God. Any voice that
does not speak the truth (the Word) is of the devil.

Move Forward

When the children of Israel were delivered from Egypt,
their greatest challenge was coming out of a bondage mentality. When
God sets us free, the enemy attempts to get us to remember the good
things about our former bondage because he wants to make serving God
seem harder.

We must move forward! People who are stagnated
spiritually have no prophetic insight. Go forth based on the word of
the Lord that has been given to you.

The greatest aspect of deliverance is hope. It gives us a foundation for our faith.

Your faith must stand trial. The Lord spoke to Moses and
told him to tell the people to move forward (see Ex. 14:15). They could
not be concerned about the Red Sea in front of them. It always takes
faith to move forward.

Lot was delivered out of Sodom and commanded never to
look back. When his wife looked back, she lost her deliverance (see
Gen. 19:27).

Obstacles will attempt to make you doubt. Soul ties will
make you want to look back. Always remember that Jesus is the Author
and Finisher of your faith. He brought you out, and surely, He will
take you in!

The enemy tempted Jesus, and no matter how anointed you
are, he will continue to tempt you, also. But when temptation comes to
steal your deliverance, you can make a statement that has helped me
during the years: “Jesus, I love You more!”

Truly loving God instills reverential fear. The fear of the Lord is a sure foundation.

Deliverance is for everyone! And as God’s agents on
Earth, we have authority to defeat and destroy the enemy and his
spirits whenever we encounter them. Weapons will form against us, but
they will not prosper because we possess an arsenal on the inside of us
that will annihilate darkness. 

Kimberly Daniels is the author of Clean House, Strong House, published by Charisma House, from which this article is adapted.

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