Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

A ‘Biggest Loser’ Contestant Loses More Than Weight

Regardless of what we were doing, sound technicians would curse and all production activity would cease. But for me those bells weren’t a source of frustration; they were a reminder to talk to God.

I was away from my church, my pastor and the familiar to-dos of my youth, and yet it was in the midst of that utterly stripped-back state that I came face to face with God. My rules were being replaced with relationship, and my faith felt fresh and new.

While I worked out on campus, much of the spiritual knowledge that I’d acquired as a kid came to mind. (Six-hour workouts could even drive pagans to pray.)

I recalled the verse in Psalm 139 that says my body is fearfully and wonderfully made. I remembered 1 Corinthians 6:19, which says that our bodies are temples of God. I was
reminded that my body had been created to worship him, and that my frame was intended to be strong.

I thought also about Bible characters who exhibited strength in the midst of tough situations. The one that rose to the surface immediately was the story of David and Goliath-a reference even Jillian would cite to motivate me toward greater success.

During a long treadmill-run, I’d think about tiny David facing the nine-foot-tall Philistine with nothing but a few smooth stones, and I’d regain faith in the fact that despite my small size, I could and would prevail.

“You’re going down, thunder-thighs! You don’t stand a chance, big belly!”

My “insurmountable” circumstances were nothing for my mighty God. He had been faithful to give me a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reclaim the life he so badly wanted me to live, and I wanted more than anything to be found faithful in return.

With each dawning day and every small goal achieved, my faith in the goodness of God rose. I had spent most of my life seeking purpose, security, companionship in a thousand different places. I’d just never looked to Him.

As I began to look to God to supply every single thing I needed, I witnessed Him releasing me-“saving” me, as it turns out-from the things that had held me captive for years: legalism, an overemphasis on trying to please people, fear, heaviness both in my body and in my heart.

At every turn, He was fulfilling His promise to help me bear up under what life had thrown my way.

“God is faithful,” 1 Corinthians 10:13 says. “He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”

There were plenty of temptations for me on campus, but you try sneaking a Snickers
with the God of the universe standing right by your side. “I’m with you in this struggle,” He’d remind me, “and with My help, you’re capable of making choices that are wise.”

This excerpt from Fat Chance: Losing the Weight, Gaining My Worth by Julie Hadden is reproduced with permission from Guideposts Books. Copyright © 2009 by Julie Hadden. All rights reserved. To purchase a copy, click on the book below.


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