Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Jonathan Cahn Unlocks the Miracle of Specificity

Editor’s Note: This mystery is taken from “The Book of Mysteries,” Jonathan Cahn’s national bestseller that takes you on a one-year journey into the desert with “the teacher” with the greatest mysteries of God and the greatest secrets of overcoming in your walk with God, one for every day of the year.

From our vantage point on a small hill near the school, we observed a young family of tent dwellers, a father, a mother and their newborn baby, sitting outside a solitary tent in the middle of a large plain in the desert night.

“A poor family,” said the teacher, “holding their newborn baby out in the elements, under the stars. It could almost be a scene from Scripture, from Bethlehem. Can you fathom the miracle of it? The God who created the universe now a helpless baby inside the universe He created…the Almighty become the weakest of beings … the hands that stretched out the heavens now too weak to even grasp the hand of His mother…the eyes that see all things now can barely focus…the mouth that spoke the universe into existence now can only offer up the cry of a helpless baby. How amazing is that? It is the miracle of love … the humility of love … and the miracle of specificity.”


“God is omnipresent, everywhere at once. But in the Incarnation, He becomes specific to time and space, to only one point of space and to only one moment of time. God is universal, the light of the world, the spring of all existence. Yet now He becomes specific to one culture, one people, one tribe, one house, one genealogy, one family, one life. The universal God of all existence becomes a Jewish baby, a Jewish boy, then a Jewish rabbi, walking in sandals on the ground and dust of first-century Judea.

Everything He does is now contained in one specific place and one specific moment of time. He forgives specific sinners, embraces specific outcasts, multiplies specific loaves of bread and touches specific people and heals them of their infirmities.”

“How does one apply that?” I asked.

“In order to know the power of God’s love, you have to receive it in its specificity, as specifically from Him and specifically to you. His sacrifice as specifically given for you, His Word specifically to your life, His blood and forgiveness poured out specifically for your specific sins.

And so too, you must live your life in God in specificity. Your love must manifest in specificity…in specific actions to the specific people who are here and now in your life…You must love and bless and live out your faith on earth …in specificity.”

Your mission is to manifest the love of God in specificity. Bless specific people with specific actions of love—specifically today.

Book of Mysteries
Adapted from The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn, copyright 2016, published by Charisma House. The unique devotional book will take you on a journey to encounter a “teacher” who will reveal 365 ancient mysteries (one each day) that will enhance your spiritual walk by giving important keys of spiritual truth, end-time revelation, secrets of overcoming and greater insight into our triune God. To order your copy click on this link.

Prayer Power for the Week of Dec. 17, 2017

This week, take time to specifically praise the Lord for who He is and everything He has done and continues to do for you and mankind. Ask Him to show you specific ways you can represent Him and be a blessing to those around you. Pray for those serving in missions and ask God to send more laborers into the field. Pray for the lost and ask for divine appointments in which you can share the love of Christ. Remember the physically and spiritually needy in this season. Continue to pray for our leaders, our military and their families, the peace of Jerusalem, and those suffering from great losses this year. Read: Matthew 25:31-46; Luke 2:1-20; Galatians 4:4-5; 1 John 4:20-21; Matthew 25:31-46.

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