Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

In This New Year, Whose Truth Will You Choose?

In these days of so-called tolerance and inclusivity, I hear some refer to others with great admiration if they are living in “their truth.” This means that they are being true to themselves and living in what they consider “right in their own eyes” (see Judg. 21:25). Truth is relative, not absolute. What is true for you is fine for you, and I am to respect that, and you should respect what I consider to be true for me. As long as you are happy living in your truth, I should be happy for you. I should not expect you to live in my truth.

Those of us who live by the Word of God are sometimes considered to be narrow-minded, intolerant and bigoted. Speaking the truth in love can be very challenging and often misunderstood. Unfortunately, I am finding that those who consider themselves most tolerant are intolerant of those who disagree with their viewpoints. This is America, and we are all entitled to our opinions. As they say, “We can disagree without being disagreeable.”

We should not discount the role played by the invisible enemy kingdom that operates in our midst, influencing the minds of men and bringing deception, anger, hatred, bigotry and the like. We need to recognize that many among us are in bondage and need salvation, healing, deliverance and total restoration. Their hearts are in darkness, and they are blind to the truth. They need to be loved and prayed for, not hated.

I am reminded of Charles M. Schulz’s character, Linus, as he waited in all sincerity and devotion for the Great Pumpkin to show up and bring him gifts. Of course, he never came. How could Linus be wrong when he had such faith? He remained faithful to his belief even though his friends mocked and ridiculed him. He was so sure he was right and held onto his truth all night long. He didn’t mind waiting. He had peace, joy and great expectation. His truth would prove everyone else wrong.

Or would it? As long as he sat in the darkness, he had great hope, but with the morning light came a different reality. Again, how could he be so wrong when he was so sincere?

As a college student, I passionately sought truth. I looked at different religions and belief systems seeking answers to my questions about what was true and what was not. The Bible tells us our hearts are deceitful. There are so many religions. How can we know the truth? Can we trust our feelings, leanings and desires? We can sit in the dark and picture what is there, but until the light comes on, we can’t really see what is there. There is a difference between what we imagine to be true and what really is true.

In spite of everything, Linus held on to his belief. Are we like that? Do we hold on to worldly traditions even when confronted with the stark reality of the truth? Is our faith based on the light of God’s Word or empty traditions we follow out of daily patterns or habit? Are we living by our own truth or the truth of God’s Word? Jesus said that He is the way, the truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father but by Him (see John 14:6).

Are you willing to confront your imaginations, traditions and belief systems, and expose them to the Word of God? Are you willing to change what needs to be changed in light of the truth—not “your truth” but “God’s truth”?

In the world system, it may be admirable to be transparent and live by one’s own truth, but there really is only one truth, and that is God’s. Living in His truth brings light, joy and life. Anything else brings darkness, bondage and death, no matter how admirable, accepting and noble it sounds.

What will you choose to do in this new year? Will you live in your own truth or God’s?

Prayer for the Week of Jan. 5, 2010

This week, ask the Lord to give you 20/20 spiritual vision to live in God’s truth according to His Word. Continue to pray that righteousness will be restored to our nation and that revival would spread to every state and then around the world. Ask God to give our leaders supernatural wisdom as they make decisions affecting us and the world. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, our military, first responders and their families, and our allies. Read: 2 Chronicles 7:14; John 8:32, 14:6. {eoa}

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