Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

Hundreds of Gen Zers Make Decisions for Jesus at University of Tennessee: ‘God Is Moving!’

Revival and baptisms (Screenshot, CBN News)

There is a spiritual awakening taking place on college campuses across that country that God alone can take credit for.

On Wednesday, 8,000 students gathered on the campus of the University of Tennessee to praise His Name alone. 

Unite US is a faith event geared toward GenZers and aims to present the Gospel message to students at different college campuses. Their latest stop was the Thompson-Boling Arena at Food City Center in Knoxville, Tennessee.

As CBN News reported, the first Unite US event kicked off at Auburn University last fall and an impromptu baptism that started with one student wanting to be baptized grew to roughly 200 people who decided to take that plunge and give their lives to Christ. 

“We’ve seen thousands of students give their hearts to Christ,” continued Prewett. “We’ve seen over 800 baptized and you know, we’re just being obedient, we’re just walking in obedience and God’s gone before us and He’s moving in incredible ways.”

Jennie Allen from the “IF: Gathering” spoke at “Unite Tennessee” and witnessed some of the most powerful moments last night including 150 students baptized in Jesus’ Name.

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“Last night once again thousands gathered and hundreds responded to Christ and were baptized,” she shared on Instagram. “It’s just too good!”

“God is moving,” she added. 

“Unite Tennessee” featured Allen alongside Pastor Jonathan Pokluda of Harris Creek Baptist Church in Waco, Texas, and included worship led by Passion Music. 

Reprinted with permission from Copyright © 2024 The Christian Broadcasting Network Inc. All rights reserved.

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