Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How You Can Win the Battle Between Flesh and Spirit Every Time

“As children of God, we are called to be able to hear His voice to follow Him,” says Dr. Joelle Suel in a recent episode of The Glorious Truth on the Charisma Podcast Network. Through a practical teaching on Proverbs 3:5-6, Suel outlines the importance of cultivating a strong relationship with the Holy Spirit so we can fight the enemy and live as God desires.

“There’s always a battle between the spirit and the flesh, the tendency in all of us to trust ourselves more than we trust in the Lord,” Suel says. “We have faith in who He is, but we trust in what He does. Trusting has to do with His doing. Faith is to do with His being. To trust means to rely on the character, on the integrity on what someone can do. We have to have faith in Him. We have faith in Him, but He wants us to trust in His ability.”

“We do things that we start by the Spirit, then we try to perfect them in the flesh,” Suel says. And the enemy works to hurt us, she says. “The enemy fights us when it comes to abiding. One of the things that I see the most that hinders us from abiding is distractions, the things that takes us away from that abiding place. Have you noticed that if you make a decision to read your word, to read devotions, to spend time in worship, in prayer, the phone will ring?”

To hear more from Suel on how the Lord wants to direct our path to truly abiding in His Spirit, click here for the full podcast. {eoa}

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