Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

How to Release Heaven on Earth

God has a marvelous plan for His church, a plan that will
help release heaven on earth. The prophets predicted a time when salvation,
righteousness, peace, joy, rejoicing and redemption will come to Israel and the

It is time for God’s people to get on board with God’s plan
and to diligently pray—and work—to see the fulfillment of His plan for His
church. God has given us a clear mandate for what we should be doing. He says:
“ If my people who are called by My name will humble
themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I
will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2
Chronicles 7:14, NKJV).

I want you to understand thoroughly that God’s plan is to
establish and advance His kingdom. May your heart be stirred with a longing for
the fulfillment of His plan to release heaven on earth. Be filled with hope for
an earth filled with His righteousness. See how God’s plan is unveiled in the
pages of the Gospels. Get excited to challenge yourself to diligently pray for
God’s plan—God’s kingdom, heaven—to be released on earth now.

Israel has never experienced earthly peace for any extended
period of time. The peace they desire would come only through Messiah, and it
would be spiritual. They were looking for an earthly peace and missed the
spiritual peace that comes through Christ. Peace is the Hebrew word shalom, meaning
“prosperity, health, wholeness.”

Those who preach the gospel publish peace, which is part of
the plan of God for His kingdom (see Is.
52:7). The new covenant is the covenant of peace (see Is.
54:10; Ezek. 34:25, 37:26), and the prayers of believers fulfill the plan
of God and expand the peace of God.

How do we do that? First, we must understand God’s plan. It
is His plan that righteousness would reign
in His kingdom. As we pray in quietness and confidence for this to happen today
our prayers will include these characteristics and declarations:

  • Righteousness
    will be revealed (see Is. 56:1).
  • The
    saints will be called trees of righteousness (Is. 61:3).
  • Righteousness
    and praise will spring forth among the nations (Is.
  • The
    Messiah will bring in everlasting righteousness (Dan. 9:24).
  • New
    believers will be created in righteousness (Eph. 4:24).
  • The
    new covenant will administrate righteousness (2 Cor. 3:9).
  • The
    scepter of the kingdom will be righteousness (Heb. 1:8).
  • The
    righteous will flourish in the days of the Messiah (the kingdom—Ps. 72:7).

Secondly, we must accept His mandate and align ourselves
with Him to bring His peace, joy and revival to the world. Even though, as
Christians, we are created in righteousness and true holiness (see Eph. 4:24), we have not yet experienced a world filled
with peace and righteousness. But as we pray and decree these God-ordained
prayers, we can expect righteousness, peace and joy to increase from generation
to generation.

You, through your prayers and scriptural decrees, have a
pivotal role in the expansion of God’s kingdom. Get excited about your role and
pray diligently to see this come about! Will you accept His mandate to bring
His peace, joy and revival to the world? By doing so, you can release heaven on

Adapted from Prayers That Release Heaven on Earth by John Eckhardt, copyright 2010, published by
Charisma House. God has a marvelous plan for His church and you are a part of
that. This book is your handbook for advancing God’s kingdom here and now. The
author provides you with powerful prayers and decrees from Scripture to help
you stay focused in your prayer mandate. To order your copy, click on this link. 


Align yourself with God’s mandate to release heaven on earth
and humbly commit to praying and declaring that His will be done on earth as it
is in heaven, and that His righteousness would reign world-wide. Continue to
pray for the spread of the gospel, the protection of Israel and the persecuted
church.  Pray for revival in our
own nation so that we might return to godly principles and be a catalyst to
hasten the Lord’s return. Ask the Lord to help you reach out to the hurting and
lonely, and seek opportunities to bless those who have suffered loss of income,
health and loved ones.  Also
remember to pray for our president, newly elected officials, our military and
their families during this busy season. 
2 Chronicles 7:14; Isaiah 9:6-7

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