Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How This Couple Defeated Satan’s Lies and Decreed a Cancer Miracle

Pat and Karen Schatzline speaking on

(Editor’s Note: For Blood Cancer Awareness Month, we offer this story about one woman’s victory over leukemia.)

Pat and I were at the doctor’s office again, this time for a bone marrow biopsy to help determine the extent of leukemia in my body. Our old nemesis, fear, was trying once again to gain a foothold. The technician drew blood before escorting us into the biopsy room to wait for the procedure to begin. It seemed like an eternity before the doctor came in. When he finally entered the room, his demeanor was not at all what we expected from someone who was about to biopsy a cancer patient.

With obvious joy he said, “Karen, I have never been happier to walk into a patient’s room and say, ‘Your blood is completely within normal range.'” And I were beyond overjoyed and stunned all at the same time. It was a surreal moment. God had healed me—exactly what He said He would do, and yet we were shocked, momentarily disbelieving what had happened. Why do we tend to be surprised when God does what He said He will do?

Because there was no trace of the cancer, there was no reason to do a biopsy. The doctor had no explanation for the change in my blood results. “‘This doesn’t just happen,” he said. “I don’t understand. It must be an aberration.” Aberration! There goes that word again! It was the very word God used when He spoke to me about fear—that fear is a learned or perceived aberration. That grows into an absolute. How amazing is our Father God that He would have the doctor use that exact word to describe my blood results?

Pat and I headed out with instructions to follow up every three months, a protocol that goes against the normal course and progression of this particular cancer. The doctor simply wanted to keep an eye on me and document my case. That day was the first time we actually used the word “cancer.” We had refused to claim it. It did not belong to us, so now we could use the word without owning it.

The Bible promises us that God will give us the keys to the kingdom: “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matt. 16:19, NIV). Indeed, we have seen this to be true in our own lives. God has always given us every weapon we needed to defeat Satan’s voice during our times of trial. Let me (Pat) share with you a key, a weapon that changed my life.

In the early years of our marriage, Karen and I faced difficult times the way any couple does. There were times when we felt discouraged and defeated, until the Lord showed me how to counter negative thoughts from the enemy. “Just try bragging on Me a little bit, Pat, regardless of your circumstances,” He said. “Then watch what happens.”

I hung onto that word from the Lord. When we entered the season of Karen’s cancer diagnosis, we decided we would praise God—brag on Him—regardless of the circumstances. When you make up your mind to always praise God through the storm and you brag louder than Satan lies, you will be able to stand firm on God’s promises in the midst of whatever is coming against you.

Restore Roar
Adapted from Restore the Roar by Pat and Karen Schatzline, copyright 2019, published by Charisma House. This book will help you defeat the spirit of fear with the breath and power of God. You’ll find peace in the storm, learn to defeat the lies of the enemy, be courageous and put your faith in God. To order your copy, click on this link.

Prayer Power for the Week of Sept. 23, 2019

This week, determine to praise God no matter what circumstances you are facing. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength and declare His goodness and faithfulness over your life. Surrender anew to His Spirit, His Word and His will. Continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, revival in our nation and around the world, more laborers into His harvest, and for our spiritual, local and national leaders. Pray for those who have suffered losses and ask God how you can be a blessing to them and make a difference in the world. Read 2 Chronicles 7:14, Psalm 34:1-3. {eoa}

Check out our brand-new e-book, Spiritual Strength Through the Valley of Cancer, available from Charisma magazine at the low price of $.99.

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