Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How the Radical Obedience of a Muslim Sparked Revival in West Virginia

Photo courtesy of Nik Walker Ministries

Over a three-night period in Moorefield, West Virginia, 73 souls were baptized into newness of life. But one baptism in particular—the first of the weekend—proved to be the baptism that set the tone for the remainder of the weekend.

The revival at Believer’s Victory Center was the seventh of eight straight revival weekends this fall for me and for Nik Walker Ministries. It was the fifth city that we had visited since early August.

As usual, the eight-foot-long metal horse trough was placed in the center of the altar for the baptism. Until now, our ministry had seen over 1,500 water baptisms in 2022. These baptisms buried sin, restored marriages, delivered addicts and produced mighty miracles. There is nothing we have not seen in the waters of baptism … or so I thought!

On the first night of revival in Moorefield, a bold gospel message was preached. The altars were flooded with people searching for a fresh start, redemption and a time of refreshing (Acts 3:19). As the altar ministry continued, I began to transition the focus to water baptism, as we do at nearly every revival or conference we are a part of.

Using what I refer to as “church lingo,” I began to explain baptism, what it means and why it is necessary. After a brief overview of baptism, I gave the call.

“If you are ready for a fresh start and a clean slate, jump in!” I exclaimed.

As I stood next to the tank waiting on the first person to be baptized, with the church crowding around the tank to celebrate the people who decide to take this step of faith, I noticed a man to my left. He was standing 20 feet from the tank, staring intently.

I saw him at the altar as I was praying for people. It was evident that he had an authentic encounter with Jesus on this night. This man, who had never been in church before, took my invitation to “jump in”—literally.

From where he was standing, he began to run toward the tank. Before anyone could react, he dove into the tank. Of course, the “ripple” of this baptism soaked the spectators, the praise team and anyone standing within 10 feet of the water!

My initial reaction was that he was doing this to make a scene, which is something I have experienced before. However, his face told the real story. I stood corrected as I watched what unfolded.

When he came up from the water, his face looked so innocent. His eyes were wide, bright, yet filled with tears. He genuinely was convinced that his baptism was complete.

I was unaware of his church background, which proved to be none at all. Of course, I met him there and baptized him the proper way. It was clear to me that the Lord had already honored his faith and cleansed him before anyone touched him.

Before anyone could “properly” explain how to be baptized, his heart had already resonated with the Word of truth. When he heard the preacher say to “jump in,” he did. To the church, it was radical, but to this man, it was simple. He simply did what was asked of him.

His hunger for Jesus was speaking in his actions. His baptism was the catalyst for 72 more baptisms throughout the weekend! Watching his freedom encounter sparked the faith to jump in for dozens more. Because of his simple obedience, this was the most beautiful baptism I have ever had the honor of seeing.

Though this moment was life-changing for him and so many others, the Lord reserved the most shocking part of this moment for Sunday night.

Before the final service, my team and I were sitting in the prayer room with the pastor. We were discussing all that Jesus had done throughout the revival. I began to reflect on this man’s baptism.

I knew that he had no prior church background. I was aware that he was a recovering addict that found freedom in the water. This type of testimony is quite familiar to our ministry. The most pivotal piece of his testimony was reserved for last.

“That man was a Muslim,” the pastor said to me.

Instantly, I was overwhelmed.

To be in the bondage of addiction and desire freedom is something we have seen many times. To see an unbeliever with little or no church experience come to repentance and be baptized is something the Lord had done many times in our revival meetings.

However, to see a practicing Muslim have an encounter with the Son of Man that compels him to bury his flesh through baptism and declare Jesus as Lord … that is revival!

If a practicing Muslim, meeting Jesus for the first time, can display such authentic obedience and surrender, why not those who “know” Him? Have we become too proper to be obedient? This is the only way America will see revival.

The Lord is raising up a generation that moves the heart of the Father with simple obedience. We will go where He says to go. We will say what He asks us to say. We will do nothing unless we see the Father doing it (John 5:19).

This is what Jesus is doing in Appalachia and around the world. Simple obedience is paving the way for awakening to sweep our land! As for me and my house, we will be a part of the obedient remnant that sees the fullness of His glory flood our land. {eoa}

Nik Walker is a national evangelist and author of two books. His ministry began in Southern West Virginia but is currently based in Cleveland, Tennessee. Nik travels from city to city across Appalachia and beyond with a mandate to wake up the church, save the lost and empower a generation. Nik has been a catalyst for several revival movements, including a revival lasting 15 weeks in Huntington, West Virginia. More information and outlets to contact Nik’s ministry can be found at or the Nik Walker Ministries Facebook Page.

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