Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
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I expect this article to offend you, so I apologize in advance. But you can thank me later; at least some will thank me.

While we have been keenly focused on all the wrongs committed against humanity by those in positions of governmental and political leadership and power, we have failed to acknowledge our own responsibility in the same.

Yes, we who profess to be Christians have perhaps greater culpability than the world of unbelievers for the simple reason that we have the truth and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to guide us. We should expect Christians to be the enemy’s greatest target to deceive.

We should also expect genuine Christians to discern the lies, reject them and take a public stand against them. Yet in all honesty, looking back on the past several decades, the church has failed. We have failed ourselves, and worse, the world of unbelievers whom we are to attract and win for Christ.

Jesus clearly stated to His disciples, which includes all Christ followers through the ages, “Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you” (Luke 10:19, ESV, emphasis mine).

Christians have all Christ’s authority over all the power of the enemy, yet the present condition of the world reveals either we don’t realize what we have or we don’t know how to wield it—perhaps a combination of both. With our having the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, what excuse could we possibly have? It’s no wonder 1 Peter 4:17 states, “For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”

Nearly 30 years ago, when I was starting out in ministry, prophecy was spoken over me that I was called to be a strong asset to the church, to teach and instruct, giving wisdom and insight, even standing and speaking “Thus sayeth the Lord.”

Just as we repeatedly read that God called the lowly and insufficient to make a difference for Him, I have found myself ever since that prophecy. I’ve been a voice crying out in the wilderness, but I will admit to you, at this time in history, I am upset, angry and seeking to shout truth from the mountaintops. I am calling those in positions of Christian leadership and influence back to their rightful God-assigned positions with every sense of urgency before God’s swift hand of judgment comes down.

Sadly, some have already arrived at the end of God’s grace concerning their obedience and are already under His discipline. So, for you reading, let this be evidence of the exigency of the hour.

I also call out the everyday Christian who does not occupy a pulpit, speak with a microphone or publish books, papers or blogs. According to Philippians 2:12-13, you are responsible for your own salvation. You have the same Holy Spirit living in you to guide you into all truth, helping you to recognize lies and deception for yourself. You are called by Jesus to personally participate in what is known as the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20).

Part of the reason for the lack of discernment and engagement is the fact that lies have been perpetuated through the church over decades, here a little, there a little; slowly enough to be accepted without challenge. It galls me that our Christian leaders have become so dull at best, or at worst knowingly enticed. Yes, unfortunately some of our Christian leaders have been allured, entangled and bribed in one fashion or another. I am equally grieved that pew-populating Christians evidently don’t have the desire to discern for themselves. I first wrote don’t have the ability, but the indwelling Holy Spirit is our ability as Christians, so I must conclude it’s a lack of desire.

A recent article announced “Church of England Will Not Define ‘Woman.'” This is my personal catalyst for the abrupt change in the tone of my ministry work. I must be among those to effectively slap the church in the face while screaming, “Wake up!”

Consider the lies we as the Christian church either have come to personally believe or have tolerated to the point of allowing them to be promoted as truth in the world:

  • All roads lead to the same God and heaven
  • The devil is not a literal entity
  • The Bible is no longer relevant today
  • Christians living in willful sin are protected under God’s grace
  • Jesus defeated the enemy, and we are simply waiting for His return
  • Once saved, always saved
  • Alternative lifestyles are to be accepted and embraced

These are just the first seven that come to my mind.

With a burning indignation and limit to tolerance, believing God is very soon to arrive at the end of His time of grace allowing people to repent and be spared from judgment and/or discipline, I must declare truth and repentance from the mountaintops. I must join those God has called to be a voice crying out in the wilderness.

You will find my work in these days to take on a different tone than in years past. I am confident I will lose some friends, which means a sad earthly reality. But I am equally confident I will win some friends for Christ, which means a glorious eternal reality.

Pamela Christian is host of Faith to Live By, a weekly podcast hosted on the Charisma Podcast Network and available on most podcast platforms. The podcast is dedicated to helping people discern current events from a biblical and prophetic worldview to know how God wants His children to respond. Faith to Live By is also the name of her multi-award-winning book series that has received excellent reviews and exceptional endorsements from well-respected Christian leaders. Pam’s Faith Blog has been awarded two unsolicited awards for Christian content. Additionally, Pam publishes a complimentary bimonthly e-newsletter making it easy for people to learn about new podcast episodes, blog posts and other current events specific to Pamela Christian Ministries.

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