How Do Physical Manifestations Fit into Your Theology?

Growing up in charismatic churches you see a lot. Going up to the altar for prayer, you might see people fall to the ground and jerk around or laugh hysterically. Watching and even experiencing some of these things may leave you wondering whether these are from the Holy Spirit or something else entirely.

Jeremiah Johnson posted to Facebook how to discern whether the physical manifestations are from God. He calls it the “Johnathan Edwards Test.” Edwards was a prominent theologian in the 1970’s. During the First Great Awakening, people were falling to the ground and manifesting. Edwards often warned of deception saying, “Satan will keep men secure as long as he can. But when he cannot do this he will endeavor to drive men to extremes so to dishonor.”

In Johnson’s post, he pointed to the five tests to run these experiences through:

  1. Does it bring honor to the person of Jesus Christ?
  2. Does it produce a greater hatred of sin and a greater love for righteousness?
  3. Does it produce a greater regard for Scripture?
  4. Does it lead people into the truth?
  5. Does it produce a greater love for God and man?

Johnson says, “You have to sincerely wonder how much of the ‘physical manifestations of the Holy Spirit’ in the charismatic/Pentecostal movements would survive these tests? What about all our fire tunnels and impartation services? Is all the laughter, crying, shaking, and being ‘slain in the Spirit’ producing any of the five realities mentioned above?”

His post raises a good question. Many people in the church are eager to share prophetic words, talk about angel encounters and open themselves up to encounters without discussing the utter importance of holiness and purity. The Bible is clear that Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light, and any prophetic word or encounter must be shared through the lens of scripture.

The purpose is never to critique Christians or be closed off to how the Holy Spirit wants to move. The goal is to ensure the spiritual safety of the sheep, that they do not unknowingly open the door to deception and confusion.

“I refuse to shut down the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the physical manifestations at our church and the conferences I lead, yet my heart longs for this generation of charismatic/Pentecostal believers to marry deliverance to discipleship, to attend the powerful weekend conference but learn how to get in the Word and prayer everyday, to pursue revival but yet realize cultivating a healthy marriage and family greatly pleases the Lord,” Johnson says.

There is no perfect formula for how the Holy Spirit will move in a meeting, church service, home group or individually in your prayer closet. How God chose to move at Asbury University may look different than how He has moved in the past and that is okay.

There is an enemy prowling around like a roaring lion seeking to steal, kill and destroy. He is after God’s people because they are marked by the precious blood of Christ. Be cautious, prayerful and discerning whenever you are in a situation that may feel off in your spirit. Ask God for the gift of discernment and know the Bible. We are no longer living in times where your only source of bread is your Sunday morning service. You need to know the words in the Bible for yourself. It is crucial.

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Shelby Bowen is an assistant editor for Charisma Media.

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