How a Christian Gains Life by Choosing Death

God gives us a new life in Christ by making our spirit come alive through the supernatural work of salvation. We’re saved so we can introduce Jesus to others, but how do we transfer the new life in us out into the world?

From Your Spirit—Through Your Soul—Into Your Life

I am a spirit, who has a soul and lives in a body. When someone doesn’t have a born-again spirit, they live out of their soul, or emotions.

Picture a car in a garage. The garage doors are your soul, and the car is your spirit. You must open the garage doors to get the car out. In the same way, if the soul is not addressed first, then what’s in the spirit will remain trapped.

Many Christians have in their spirit the supernatural life that Christ died to give them, but they don’t drive it due to fear, discomfort or unwillingness.

The greatest hindrance to living like Jesus is our reluctance to give up the life we have (Luke 9:23-24).

The Crucified Life

When our old self was crucified, Jesus did not crucify our soul; He crucified our old nature. Our priority is spiritual health because the spirit should dominate the soul.

A poor spiritual life will cater to the soul’s desires.

We must learn to use the garage door opener called the cross.

What God breaks, God blesses (Matt. 14:19)

The secret to living your destiny in God is brokenness.

Brokenness means surrender to God’s will. As believers we should not aim for God’s blessing on our will, but join the will He has blessed.


There is only one process: take up your cross, deny yourself and follow Jesus. He bought you with His blood and you should be available for Him to use anytime.

Vladimir Savchuk is the lead pastor of Hungry Generation Church and author of “Break FreeSingle, Ready to Mingle” and “Fight Back.” He is also a founder of a virtual online school. To download free e-books, sermon series and small group study guides, go to

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