Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Colossians 2:8-23 It was the custom in the days of Paul for a conquering nation to parade down the streets in triumph with their spoil and their prisoners of war in chains behind them. Triumph is the celebration of victory. This scripture speaks of King Jesus having spoiled principalities and powers. He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them. What a comfort to know that every demon has been spoiled. They have been made a show of openly.

Then you may ask, Why do we still wrestle with demonic oppression? When demonic spirits try to oppress us, we need to say aloud, “The Lord Jesus has already made a show of you openly, and He has triumphed over you.” The enemy wants us to believe that Jesus has not already dealt with him and his demons. Jesus said, “It is finished,” on the cross, and He meant just that. Demonic spirits need never win the victory over us because Jesus has already won the victory over them. Satan and his demons will only have success in our lives if we give into them through fear because we have been deceived and believe they have power over us. Jesus clearly said He has given us all power over all the power of the enemy. That means ALL. We, however, must believe this and take our stand against the enemy by using the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony. We need to testify to those demonic spirits that seek to bring us low that because of the blood of Jesus they are defeated foes.

The moment depression, oppression, heaviness, discouragement or any other down feeling comes upon us, we need to first submit ourselves to God and then resist the devil. We first dress ourselves in the full armor and the garment of praise that can lift all oppressive spirits. Then we need to speak aloud to those demons that try to harass us. We can remind them of this scripture, and we can say, “Jesus has won the victory over you. You were defeated on the cross because of the blood of Jesus. I bind you in the name of Jesus and by the power of the blood of Jesus, and I tell you to leave me now and do not return.” Have you ever tried this when you know the devil is tormenting you with fear or discouragement? Give it a try. You will be surprised what will happen. Often by just saying the name “Jesus” aloud we can put the enemy to flight.

The next time you are harassed by Satan and his demons, picture in your mind the triumphant march of Jesus with every demon bound by His blood marching in total defeat behind Him. You will then feel a surge of power within you, and you can exercise all power over all the power of the enemy. We never have to put up with the devil because he has already been put out.

Lord, forgive me for not taking the authority that is mine in Your name and by Your blood to bind the enemy. Help me to always remember that You have already defeated Satan and all of his demons. Thanks be to God for the victory that is always ours and who always causes us to triumph through Jesus Christ.

READ: Jeremiah 6:15-8:7; Colossians 2:8-23; Psalm 78:1-25; Proverbs 24:26

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