Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Proverbs 17:6 As I am reading this proverb, I am also watching my husband walk his first grandchild. He is smiling from ear to ear as he strolls this crown princess. Children’s children are the crowns of old men. I know my husband would prefer his grandchildren over ten thousand crowns. Each of our grandchildren is a crown of glory to my husband. Also as a father to three fine sons, he is the glory of his three sons. Glory! Glory!

We waited a long time to be grandparents as our oldest son was thirty-five when he married. We now are the proud grandparents of beautiful grandchildren, and we have an understanding of the word grandchildren. They are all grand, and we trust they think that their grandparents are grand. My mind can’t help but flash back to the time when Adam’s son Seth had a child. I guess Adam and Eve were the first proud “grandparents.”

One can’t help but see the family resemblance and personality traits in these little grandchildren.

Think about the joy our heavenly Father has when He see His character traits in His grandchildren. Wait a minute—I thought God had no grandchildren. Because of Jesus Christ, we have all become God’s grand children. We now all can have the same personality and character traits of Jesus, and this is what makes us grand children. God sees all of His children through rose-colored glasses tinted with the blood of Jesus. Because of Jesus, He does not see our imperfections and shortcomings. He sees the priceless treasure all those who believe in His Son have in their hearts. He sees Jesus in our hearts, and He rejoices because daily we are becoming more like His Son. I know my prayer as my sons had their own children was that if they had sons, they would be just like their fathers. I’m sure God prayed a similar prayer, “Let My children be the spitting image of My dear Son.”

We are the glory and praise of our heavenly Father. He rejoices every time that He sees more of His Son’s character and glory shining through our lives. As God’s grand children, we are also a crown of glory to our heavenly Father. Even if you are still single and are past the childbearing age, you can have grand children. Every person with whom you share Christ has the potential of becoming one of your grand children who will grow daily more and more like Jesus.

Thank You, Father, for seeing Your children as grand children. You look beyond our faults to see our needs, and You rejoice over us with singing. Father, may I have many crowns (people I have witnessed to about You) to lay before Your throne. Amen.

READ: 1 Kings 12:20-13:34; Acts 9:26-43; Psalm 132:1-18; Proverbs 17:6

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