Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Have you ever looked through a kaleidoscope lens to see a
picture form, only to turn the base and experience an entirely new picture form
before your very eyes?  I had this
kaleidoscope effect happen to me one day—surprisingly, at a time when I least
expected it.

I was sitting on the couch, feeling overwhelmed by some
challenges, and feeling less than up to facing any of them.  This is when I prayed. And this is when
the kaleidoscope thing began to happen in a way that I could only describe as
supernatural of God.

As I prayed, I was suddenly led to thank the Lord, not for my problems and challenges, but for His
greatness and goodness. The more I began to thank Him, the more it felt as if I
was moving through a great door into His very presence—a special door that gave
me access to the very throne of God…that intimate place in Him where there was
a joy beyond words, hope beyond limitations, help for every need.

In that precise moment of thanking the Lord for His goodness
and greatness and His love, I began to see myself with new eyes— I saw
myself through His unconditional loving eyes…
that spoke beyond words His love for me, eyes that shone brightly with the
promise of brighter days ahead.

I was reminded of God’s Word that promises us that in His
presence is the fullness of joy (see Psalm 16:11).  I was now living this promise! His joy was greater than any
down mood or sorrow I could possibly experience! I was also comforted that His
joy was available to me 24/7. It is available to us all!

The mere act of giving thanks to the Lord was an invisible
but powerful door in the Spirit that could usher any of us into His awesome
presence—bringing with it, the miracles of His love and His joy and His
strength for us to walk in!

This Thanksgiving, I invite you to walk through this
miraculous door in the Spirit of God—His door to the great love and joy that
awaits you. Happy Thanksgiving!


This week focus on giving Him thanks for His daily blessings
and presence in your life. Thank Him for the freedoms we still enjoy in this
country, and especially the freedom of worship. Ask Him for opportunities to
share His blessings with others so that they would know our wonderful God,
Savior and giver of life. Continue to lift up Israel and pray that God would
give our leaders wisdom in dealing with the nation’s challenges and
relationships with other nations of the world. Ask God for an outpouring of His
Spirit in our churches and that revival would spread globally to the uttermost
parts of the earth. Thank Him for
His continued mercy and protection. Psalm 16:11

To enrich your prayer
life and learn how to strategically pray with power by using appropriate
scriptures, we recommend the following sources by Apostle John Eckhardt:
Prayers that Rout Demons, Prayers that Bring Healing, Prayers that Release Heaven on Earth and Prayers that Break
Curses. To order any or all of these click here.

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