Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

“Call in! Your
chance to throw a brick or a bouquet!”

The radio host was inviting his coast-to-coast listeners to
air a grievance or grudge against someone—their chance to get even. Or they
could call in and compliment someone. The choice was theirs!

Most were angry callers with a grudge and a beef to air. The
disturbing thing was that they were taking fiendish delight in putting people
down and flattening them before the public. The radio airwaves were thick with
tension and hate.

Then came the call that changed things. A sweet lady was
calling in to tell her teenage niece how much she loved her. “I want to throw
her a bouquet tonight,” she said, “to express my love for her.”

The love coming
through the airwaves with that call was so real that I felt it! It poured right into my heart. Then I felt
something else—in the presence of this stranger’s love expressed for her niece,
I was feeling the very presence of a loving God! It overtook the previous cold
hate and tones of getting even and brought new warmth and encouragement!

The Word of God tells us “God is love” (1 John 4:8). Why
then wouldn’t God be present when we show love to others?
It also tells us that we are His ambassadors (see 2
Corinthians 5:20). As His ambassadors, we are called to walk in forgiveness and
His compassion even if we walk away from the things that disturb us.

As followers of Jesus Christ, seek to become pleasing to Him
as His ambassadors of kindness and encouragement, not just on Valentine’s Day
but every day. Our hearts should be the very reflection of God’s heart in this
lost and dying world.

Think of those who are alone or separated from loved ones
and need to feel God’s awesome and unconditional love for them. Some are in the
military and they and their families need to be comforted by God’s presence and
the awareness of His love.

Many in hospitals feel alone and fearful of what lies ahead
concerning their health. They need to know that a loving God is there 24/7
working through the doctors and medical professionals to meet their needs. Both
patients and those serving the patients need to know God’s love and be
encouraged by it.

This Valentine’s Day, perhaps one of the best bouquets we
could give the complex world around us is to offer a smile, a kind word, an
encouraging attitude. In such a bouquet will be a fragrance that goes beyond
flowers—the very fragrance of the living and loving Jesus.

This week ask God to enlarge your capacity to receive more
of His love so that it overflows to others.  Pray for those separated from their loved ones in this
season, especially those in the military or suffering loss through death or
divorce. Remember those in need and ask God to show you opportunities where you
can express His love through sharing, giving and serving. Continue to pray for
Israel and the persecuted church when you pray for our own nation. Thank God
for His continued mercy on us and pray that a spirit of repentance and revival
would spread through our churches, the nation and around the world. 2 Chron.
7:14; Jer. 33:3

To enrich your prayer
life and learn how to strategically pray with power by using appropriate
scriptures, we recommend the following sources by Apostle John Eckhardt:
Prayers that Rout Demons, Prayers that Bring Healing, Prayers that Release Heaven on Earth and Prayers that Break
Curses. To order any or all of these click here.

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