Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Give, and it shall be given unto you . . . For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. —Luke 6:38

The Holy Ghost makes us level-headed. Those who stayed in the camp got as much as they who went. Be God’s stewards and give the Lord His part. The cattle upon a thousand hills are His, but He works through our instrumentality. He gives you everything that you have: physical, financial, and spiritual. And He expects you to use all your powers for Him. If you give out, He will supply.

He expects you to take Him into partnership. Give Him what belongs to Him, and He will bless you. The Gospel has to be supported. Water is free, but it costs money to lay the pipes and keep the water running. Angels can fly, but men have to pay fare, and someone has to help.

If you keep the pipes in order, the gospel will be given out. You need to help with your prayers and hold up the hands of those who work. If you trust God and walk with Him, that is the work God wants of you.

Thank You, Lord, for partnering with me to
spread the gospel to the world. Amen.

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