Get Wisdom and Receive Favor from the Lord

What would you say is the number-one need in your life? Finances, health, relationships?

There is something that will meet every need—wisdom. Wisdom helps with your finances, health, relationships and everything else. There is nothing in your life that wisdom cannot make you successful in.

We desperately need wisdom, and God knows that—that’s why He exhorts us to get wisdom. Marilyn Hickey has created a “Get Wisdom” journal to help you rise to a higher level of living and bring fulfillment of His ultimate purpose in your life.

Marilyn urges believers to be intentional about acquiring wisdom. Every evening thank God for everything that was good that happened that day. Rehearse your victories and speak promises of wisdom before you go to bed because the last thing you think about before you go to sleep goes through your mind seven times.

How do you get wisdom? You ask. Both the New Testament and the Old Testament advises those who need wisdom to ask. In the Bible there are five books that have do to with wisdom: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. These books display personal examples of wisdom that can guide you in finding wisdom for your life. The book of Ecclesiastes says there are seasons in your life, and you need wisdom for every season of your life. God will not only give you a little bit, He will give you abundant wisdom.

In the Greek, there are three words for wisdom: sophia means the big picture and goal; phronesis is the how-to wisdom of God; and sunesis is the networking God does with wisdom. So in the progression of wisdom you see the big picture, you get the how-to and God’s networking will bring people and circumstances into your life that network what He wants to come to pass.

God wants you to prosper, be in health, to have sound relationships and to prosper in your soul. Godly wisdom sets the captive free. Happy is the man who finds wisdom!

Marilyn Hickey founded Marilyn Hickey Ministries more than 45 years ago with God’s vision to cover the earth with the Word. Marilyn co-hosts a daily television program, Today with Marilyn & Sarah, reaching a potential viewing audience of over 2 billion households worldwide. Marilyn communicates deep biblical truths in a way that is understandable and practical for everyday life. Visit their website at

Sarah Bowling is on a mission to connect every one with the heart of God while loving those who are overlooked, excluded, and ignored.  Led by Holy Spirit and anchored in the Word, Sarah seeks to inspire all to know the unconditional and transformational love of God in our daily lives. A Bible teacher, author, international speaker, and a global humanitarian, Sarah also co-hosts a daily television program, Today with Marilyn & Sarah.

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