Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

If you don’t deal with your emotional
pain, it will deal with you and your loved ones. Pretending it
doesn’t exist won’t help you get emotionally fit.

When a warning light comes on in a car,
putting a piece of black tape over it won’t fix the car. When a car
is broken, it needs to be taken to someone who knows how the car
works and understands how to fix it.

For a long time, I pretended that my
pain didn’t exist. I covered up my warning signs. My life did break
down, and I was forced to face my feelings the night I came close to
losing my life to a drug overdose.

Suddenly, I was thrown onto a road of
reality. I had to face the fact that I was a drug-addicted,
D-student, self-destructive teen-ager going nowhere in life.

I had to “get real” about who I was
and who I was becoming. A few years later, I finally got real with

If we are not honest with Him about our
emotions, we will die inwardly. God is the God of truth—and only
the truth can set you free (see John 8:32).

If you are having trouble identifying
what you are really feeling and why it’s affecting you, pray and
ask God to show you any hidden hurts that need to be healed. Come out
of the shadows into His glorious light and be set free to fly!

Have you ever thought to yourself, I
shouldn’t be feeling this way? Why can’t I be joyful about this?

It’s time to get real with God. Voice
to God your bitterness, your jealousy, your envy, your hatred and
your resentment.

The Scripture says, “Be anxious for
nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with
thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” (Phil. 4:6,

Many times we tell everybody but God
how we feel, but we must never forget that He loves us despite any
emotions that we are experiencing.

God sees behind the curtain that covers
your heart. Don’t give a performance for God; invite Him into the
dark rooms where you hide your pain.

He promises to be your strength when
you’re weak. He will be a light in your darkness.

So get real with Him. Don’t hide your
emotions in your heart. Confess them to God, and ask Him to give you
His strength to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.

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