Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The true meaning of family has been lost both in our society and in the body of Christ. But with the proper perspective, we can make a difference.

Read Gal. 6:10, Eph. 4:11-16, Eph. 2:19-22

Heart Issue

Do you truly see your fellow Christians as brothers and sisters in Christ? Do you honestly relate to them as such, with the love, care and support one would expect to find in a nurturing family environment?

Prayer Focus

Father, we don’t often consider our roles as members of Your family. When we do, we tend to see our responsibilities as either too small or too demanding to undertake. We frequently forget that our most important calling is to be faithful, no matter what.

You established Your church to function as a living organism. Help us to offer ourselves, willingly, to serve You and to serve one another. Strengthen our resolve to do all we can, as family members, to bring glory to the King and to advance His kingdom. Amen.

Brenda J. Davis is the acquisitions editor for Creation House.

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