Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The natural importance of rivers is evidenced in the role they’ve played throughout human history as the center of a civilization’s life and industry. In the Scriptures, hundreds of literal and symbolic references are made to rivers. As a natural tree planted by a stream has an endless flow of what it needs for growth, so may a soul that is thirsty drink continuously from the river of life and be satisfied.

Read 2 Kin. 5:1-14, Ps. 1; 36:7-8, Is. 41:17-18, Jer. 17:7-8, Ezek. 47:1-12, Rev. 22:1-2

Heart Issue

Wrong attitudes of the heart can hinder the flow of the Spirit. A fresh surrender to God will unleash spiritual power in and through our lives again.


Father, thank You for the rivers of refreshing and revival. We ask that You do more than just quench our thirst; immerse us in the depths of Your Spirit’s flow. Amen.

Brenda J. Davis is the former editor of Spirit-Led Woman magazine, and current acquisitions editor for Creation House.

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