Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Circumstances do not change the goodness and faithfulness of God. He is always worthy of our praises. When we’re in the valley, our thanksgiving lifts us into heavenly places and enlarges the vision of who our God is. The greater our sacrifice of praise, the greater will be our joy and assurance of victory.

Read Ps. 34:3-10, Ps. 50:14-15,23, Ps. 107:1-32, Phil. 4:4-13, Col. 2:6-7, 1 Thess. 5:16-24

Heart Issue

Where is your concentration today? Is it on the trial or on the Victor? Release your sacrificial praise to God. Your thankfulness will always re-establish your heart in hope.

Prayer Focus

Father, we feel insincere if we praise and thank You when things aren’t going well. But we know that at all times You are worthy of our love and adoration. So, we praise You, even in the midst of the storm. We won’t side with the enemy and believe that You are anything but loving toward us always. Help us to encourage one another and ourselves as we wait for You to work out every detail that concerns us. Amen.

Brenda J. Davis is the acquisitions editor for Creation House (Strang Book Group) and the former editor of SpiritLed Woman magazine.

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