Food Banks to Freedom Fighter: Troy Brewer’s Incredible Story of Combating Child Trafficking

In a world fraught with peril, the Christian community stands united in its fight against the grave threat of child trafficking. As believers hold fast to their faith, they respond to an urgent call to defend the most vulnerable members of society.

Child trafficking, a deeply disturbing reality that shatters lives, is met with a resounding resolve from Christians worldwide. The harrowing tales of children subjected to exploitation evoke a call for action deeply rooted in biblical principles.

Marked by faith, Pastor Troy Brewer is employing his media platforms, prophetic efforts and church endeavors to safeguard the young souls falling victim to this grievous crime. Yet, a lesser-known fact emerges—the heart behind these initiatives is also directed towards the profound endeavor of rescuing and nurturing thousands of innocent lives.

The journey began almost three decades ago for Brewer, orchestrated by an anointing to build food banks. With an unwavering spirit, he set out to make a difference, unaware of the remarkable journey that God had laid ahead for him and his ministry.

“I have a knack for building food banks,” Brewer shares in an exclusive Charisma News interview.

“The Lord anointed me to build food banks, years and years and years ago,” he adds. “And so we started [building] food banks all over the world. And we started doing works in like trash dumps and things like that. And then in so doing, we started coming across kids that were being trafficked.”

These endeavors led to the discovery of children hidden away in the shadows of despair, their lives pawned as part of a sinister trade. A pivotal moment occurred in Costa Rica, Central America, when a distressed woman offered young girls for sale, mistakenly assuming Brewer was in the market for such a purchase.

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Moved by the Spirit, Brewer’s response of—”How much?”—became the cornerstone of a mission to rescue, rehabilitate and restore. The relentless pursuit of this cause transformed into the rescue of over 10,000 children, offering them new beginnings, shelter, education and a loving family.

“It was the first time I had ever had anybody ask me that,” Brewer recalls. “I just [felt] the presence of the Lord came on me, and before I even knew what to do, I just said ‘Yeah, I’ll buy ’em right now. How much?'”

“And she told me and I pulled out my billfold, and I bought these two little girls and I walked off with them,” he says. “I went and found my wife … and my team. Then we took them directly to a children’s home that we were building and actually working with.”

Remarkably, this endeavor is a twofold testament. Not only do Brewer and his ministry rescue, but they nurture as well. Over 4,000 children have found forever homes, becoming part of loving families. Education, protection and even medical training become part of the journey out of the world of trafficking.

“Usually, people either take care of the kids and they don’t rescue, or they rescue and they don’t take care of the kids, because that’s not their thing,” Brewer explains. “Now, we do both. We didn’t know any better, and we didn’t know what else to do. Now we’re in our second generation of kids, and some of them now are in their late 20s.”

The love of God in the face of adversity emanates from these actions. Matthew 18:5 guides Brewer’s path, “And whoever receives one such little child in My name receives Me.” These believers stand as modern-day examples of Christlike behavior, embodying the values of compassion and redemption as they reclaim stolen innocence.

Another striking testimony also emerges—the hand of providence that birthed unforeseen successes. The 2016 blessing of a decades-old book, “Numbers That Preach,” became an unexpected conduit of resources, funding and global awareness. This astonishing turn of events enabled the building of safe havens just before the pandemic struck, allowing the rescue of thousands in the midst of global turmoil.

As Christians worldwide affirm their commitment to thwart child trafficking, their efforts mirror Christ’s heart for the little ones. In the face of darkness, these believers ignite a beacon of hope, proving that faith-driven action can change lives and rewrite destinies.

To watch the entire inspirational interview with Pastor Troy Brewer, click here.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.

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