Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
Water for Life

King David said to God, “my soul thirsts for you.” (Psalm 63:1)

David had an intimate understanding of desolation and hurt as a man and a shepherd. He knew what lack of water meant to his sheep. He also knew what a lack of living water meant to his spirit.

Leaders must be aware of the ever-present need to nourish their team. Our teams can’t always perceive of their need to be nourished. Some say that if we don’t drink until we are thirsty, it’s probably late for what our body has been needing. Work teams likely crave more attention than they receive.

It’s too easy for a leader to become caught-up in the path of a mission. To-do lists seem to multiply, inboxes of every type overflow and, of course, meetings about meetings are never ending.

Work teams suffer malnutrition with scraps of leader leftovers.

Highly effective leaders have a people over process priority. The needs of our people are greater than our need to check a to-do box. Servant leaders have open eyes and ears to the needs of their teams.

Our work teams need substantive input. Training must be a regular occurrence for stability and growth. Listening sessions are important for determining nutrition needs. Prayer is the tie that binds. Be known as a praying leader.

Dig deep wells and carry a big ladle.


“But the people thirsted there for water, and the people murmured against Moses, and said, ‘Why is it that you have brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?'” (Exodus 17:3)


Platform Tip No. 155

The world is not out to get you, but those who need you are trying to find you!

How are you reaching out to them? How often?


My new book, Love Leads will be released by Charisma House in mid-July. It is available for pre-order today on Amazon. Would you help me spread the message of loving leadership?

Please pre-order today.

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