Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Connecting the Hearts of Fathers to Their Children

Ten weeks into offering my new podcast, The Father’s Heart, I am enjoying every day that I have an opportunity to discuss with my interviewees their lives and experiences with their natural fathers and, most importantly, with God their Father.

So many people are disconnected from God and His heart. So many people have lived their lives alienated from the kingdom of God. Yet the good news is all of that is changing. Malachi 4:6 is taking shape, and the spirit of Elijah is preparing the way of the Lord. As the song “Days of Elijah” appropriately states: “these are the days of Elijah declaring the Word of the Lord.”

It is interesting that Malachi 4:5 states: “See, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreaded day of the Lord.” That is interesting as we are approaching the Day of the Lord right now!

I am enjoying writing children’s books: Papa Tom’s Tales: A Grandfather’s Bedtime Stories. As each book addresses different areas of fear and how the love of God the Father will help a child overcome their fears, so, too, our podcasts are designed to address different issues in people’s lives and how the love of God the Father helps them overcome their fears. Thoughts that every one of us have are either truthful or a lie; they are birthed out of either a love-thought or a fear-thought.

Come listen to our interviewees as they discuss their lives and issues of the day. Thoughts that our interviewees previously held were overcome by the truth of God’s love for them. Every thought from our Father is confirmed in His Word.

He is appealing to all of us to come and be present with Him. He is looking for certain people in whom He can entrust with His heart. He is looking for true patriots, in the spiritual sense of the word: the word “patriot” means “of the Father.”

We now have 20 podcasts on the network. Every week, more are added. The two most downloaded podcasts are: A Daughter Who Was Finally Accepted and The Redemption of an Abused Daughter. Interestingly, both podcasts offered the testimony of women who were open and transparent about their lives, thoughts and feelings.

Come listen to how their lives were changed and continue to be changed by their deepening experiences with God their Father.

Listen to The Father’s Heart with Tom Clark podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Read articles like this one and other Spirit-led content in our new platform, CHARISMA PLUS.

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