Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Psalm 101:1-8 David speaks of walking within his house with a perfect heart. This has been a prayer of mine daily: “Lord, help me to walk in my house with a perfect heart.” When I pray this prayer, I am also making a covenant with God:

1. I will set no wicked thing before my eyes.

2. I will hate wickedness and will never join myself to it.

3. I will not be rebellious, presumptuous or proud.

4. I will surround myself with righteous and godly friends.

5. I will not keep company with gossips, slanderers or the proud.

6. I will keep my eyes on those who are faithful to God.

7. I will not allow deceitful people to live with me.

8. I will not keep company with liars.

As you review this list, you may be thinking to yourself, I’ve done all of the above. You may think you have not allowed wickedness to enter your home, but I came to the understanding that if I have allowed unrighteous music, videos, magazines or TV or radio programs to be seen, read and heard in my home, I have joined myself to wickedness.

For most of the childhood of our sons we did not have a TV. It was glorious because we had more time to communicate with one another, more time to play games with one another and more time to be quiet before the Lord. We now have a TV, but we only watch the news and some sporting events. Sometimes we watch a good TV show or movie, but the time spent in front of the tube averages no more than four hours a week.

Having a quiet home without the TV or radio constantly sending messages into my home has helped me to hear more clearly the messages God wants to convey to me each day. There is a verse that says, “In quietness and confidence will be your strength.” When the distractions of radio and TV are done away with, there is a pervading peace and joy that strengthen us for our daily tasks. I find that TV watching and constant noise in my ear drain me. We keep our TV upstairs and only watch it when we need to know the news, weather or want to watch an edifying movie or the video. You may want to try doing the same. I guarantee you will grow to love the quiet and relish the joy of the Lord.

Lord, forgive me for allowing worldly things to control me instead of my controlling them. I know in order to keep my mind stayed upon You each day, I need to get rid of some of these worldly distractions. Help me.

READ: Lamentations 1:1-2:19; Philemon 1:1-25; Psalm 101:1-8; Proverbs 26:20

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