Trust That God Specializes in the Unfamiliar—And Will Make a Way for You

You haven’t gone this way before. None of us have. Everything is changing. Everything is going to continue to change. Life, as you knew it, is no longer the same as it once was. It feels unfamiliar.

And that is exactly the point.

This season is about a great reset. The prophets have said it. Dr. Kim Maas has said it. The economists are saying it. Even George Friedman, a renowned geopolitical guru, has said it. It is a time when God brings a dislocation from all that is familiar to us in order to bring a reset.

So does everything feel unfamiliar to you? God specializes in the unfamiliar. Want to know how to navigate the unfamiliar time you find yourself in? Tune in to hear Navigating the Unfamiliar on the Move Forward Podcast with Dr. Kim Maas on the Charisma Podcast Network. You will find out how to reject fear in the midst of unfamiliar circumstances and be equipped to thrive in rapidly changing times.

While you are checking that out, check out the interview with Dr. Kim’s friend and special guest Adam Knapp, Thankful Through it All, as he shares how thankfulness changed his life and perspective. You will never see thankfulness the same. It will deepen your intimacy with God. {eoa}

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