Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Proverbs 19:22-23 This proverb speaks of something that will cause us to be continually satisfied. That special satisfying something is called “the fear of the Lord.” When we fear the Lord, which means to love Him and to keep His Word, we will abide satisfied.

Most men and women seek satisfaction in life. Some seek it through pleasure, some through material things, some through food, but only the fear of the Lord will cause continual satisfaction in our lives. The fear of the Lord will give us a satisfaction that causes us to want more. The best way to explain it is when you eat a good meal, you are satisfied, but this does not mean you won’t be hungry again. The continual satisfaction of the fear of the Lord in our lives causes us to continually seek to draw even closer to Jesus. We have tasted some of the good things of walking with Jesus daily, but we want to walk even closer to Him. We know our walk of drawing closer to Him will last eternally, so the possibility of His satisfying and satiating our souls moment by moment both in this life and the next is a reality.

Continual satisfaction is one of the promises to those who fear the Lord listed in this proverb. Two other promises are given in this passage to those who fear the Lord. The promise of life and the deliverance from evil are promised to those who fear the Lord. No evil will befall those who fear the Lord. Does this mean a person who fears the Lord will be exempt from troubles? Of course it doesn’t. It means that whatever evil Satan has planned for us will ultimately work for our good if we fear the Lord daily. No weapon he throws our way will prosper, and only God’s good plan for us in the end will prevail.

Why do bad things happen to good people? Nothing bad in God’s sight is going to happen to us if we daily walk in the fear of the Lord. Oh yes, it may seem bad to us at the time we are experiencing suffering or trouble, but in the end whatever seems bad will work for our good because God is a good God. His goodness is everlasting, and His mercy endures forever.

In the midst of whatever we consider a bad thing happening to us, there is a good God who is working out His eternal purposes in that situation. I saw a bumper sticker that said, “Good God, bad devil.” God cannot be tempted with evil, neither does he tempt any man with evil. God only allows Satan to tempt us with evil because God plans to have us overcome the temptation, trouble or trial by depending upon His goodness.

Lord, I am challenged today to walk in the fear of You by obeying Your Word and loving You with all my heart. I have the confidence now if I am faithful to do this You will never allow evil to overcome me. Thank You.

READ: 2 Chronicles 4:1-6:13; Romans 7:1-14; Psalm 17:1-15; Proverbs 19:22-23

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