Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Psalm 128:1-6 Throughout the Word of God there are many blessings listed that come to those who fear the Lord. We fear the Lord when we stand in awe of Him and desire to obey Him because we know His great love. When we fear the Lord, we desire to be obedient and walk in His ways. Some of the blessings that will overtake us as we fear and obey Him are listed in this psalm.

1. Happiness

2. Well-being

3. Fruitfulness

5. Seeing the peace of Jerusalem

First He promises happiness. This happiness is not the “ha-ha” kind of happiness, but it is a deep inner contentment no matter what the outward circumstances we encounter. Another blessing is that things will go well with us. This does not mean we will experience no troubles in this life. We all have one promise in common, and that is we are all promised tribulation.

Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). We have the promise that things will always work for the good no matter what we experience in this life if we love the Lord and are fulfilling His calling. Another blessing that comes when we fear the Lord is fruitfulness. Does this mean that barren women do not fear the Lord? We forget that we can have spiritual children if we never have our own natural children. Our table can always be filled with tender olive plants that need to be discipled and spiritually parented.

The last promise in this passage to those who fear the Lord is that they will have a long life and also will see the peace of Jerusalem. When we fear the Lord, we can expect to live eternally and to live in New Jerusalem where there will be continual peace. How blessed are those who fear the Lord.

Lord, I pray as David prayed: Keep me in the fear of the Lord all this day long. Amen.

READ: 1 Kings 7:1-51; Acts 7:30-50; Psalm 128:1-6; Proverbs 16:31-33

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