Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

When Katherine Harris became secretary of state in Florida in 1998, she had no idea she would play a significant role in the history of our country. But when her position required her to certify the outcome of the 2000 presidential election in her state, she took a stand based on what she believed was right—legally and in the eyes of God. Because her decision resulted in Florida’s choosing George W. Bush over Al Gore by only 537 votes—and swinging the national election in Bush’s favor—she was vigorously opposed, but she remained firm in her conviction.

Most of us will never be thrust into a situation in which the eyes of the entire nation are upon us, as Harris was. But each of us must be ready to take a stand for what is right. Beth Moore says we must follow the example of biblical characters such as Daniel and his fellow exiles, who lived a life without compromise.

In the last 40 years American courts have ruled Christianity out of public life and undermined the Christian foundation on which our country was built. As a result, righteousness has ceased to be valued and ungodly living has become the norm—much of it protected by law. Unless the trend is stopped, we risk losing our Christian heritage altogether.

It is time for believers to take a stand. One way we can do this is by working to get godly leaders into office—men and women who won’t compromise with an unrighteous agenda. Involvement in the upcoming Senate races will be particularly important because the results will determine who is selected for future openings in the Supreme Court.

Nationally 33 senators will be elected this November. I know two of the candidates personally. Both take strong stands on issues important to Christians, and both are Spirit-filled believers who I believe will make decisions based not only on political expediency but also on what God wants them to do.

The first is Bishop Keith Butler, who is running in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate on August 8 in Michigan. The second is Harris, who is running for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate on September 5 in my home state of Florida.

In my relationship with Harris, I have found her to be a deeply committed Christian, and I am encouraging everyone I know to support her in her run for U.S. Senate. Those of us who live in Florida can vote for her. Those who don’t can pray. Yet instead of praying in a general way for righteous government, let’s pray specifically that these two leaders will win.

We can also support the candidates financially. Campaign laws limit donations to $2,100 per person per election, but any American adult can donate, even if you don’t live in the state where the election is held. And every donation helps, no matter what size.

My husband and I donated to Butler’s and Harris’ campaigns, and we’re helping Harris raise money in Florida. Please join us by going to their Web sites and giving what you can.

And don’t forget to vote. People sometimes skip voting in the primary, yet it is often the outcome of this election that determines who ultimately wins.

Finally, pray that godly leaders will be put into office at all levels. I’ve focused here on the Senate races, but each election is important.

Remember, “faith without works is dead” (James 2:26, NKJV). Thousands of SpiritLed Woman readers are women of faith. For the sake of yourselves and your children, won’t you become women of action as well? Rise up and take a stand!

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