Richard Roberts: Sow Your Seeds of Faith and Watch the Lord Work Miracles

God instituted the law of seedtime and harvest from the beginning of creation. The Bible says, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night will not cease” (Gen. 8:22). I believe in the power of planting a seed and seeing it produce a harvest of miracles—because I’ve seen it work so many times, in my own life and in the lives of those I have ministered to.

Giving to God in faith produces an increase. This principle works with any size seed we sow, at any time we sow it. I want you to catch this, because it’s so important—especially in the times we live in.

You see, in the natural world, we can’t just sow a seed into the ground whenever we want to and expect a harvest. There are natural seasons for sowing. If you plant tomatoes in the dead of winter, the plants won’t grow. Winter isn’t the right season to produce tomatoes.

But in the supernatural realm, the season for your harvest can come at any time. We can plant seeds of our faith to God anytime. The difference isn’t the seed or the season. It’s us. Are we going to sow our seed in faith or not?

Sowing a seed in faith changes everything. A seed can open the door to our destiny.

A longtime friend of mine, Bishop James Payne, carries a seed packet in his pocket as a reminder of this principle. James is a minister and songwriter who has penned over 2,000 songs recorded by over 1,000 artists—including me. He and I both know, through years of walking with the Lord, that our sowing is powerful.

But he didn’t just stumble into success. His songwriting, and his financial breakthroughs, began with a simple $20 seed he gave in a church offering. James and I talked about this recently on my podcast. It’s a powerful testimony.

James told me, “I was making $52 a week, and I’d saved up $20 to buy my wife and my son something for Christmas. An evangelist at our church was talking about how God can deliver you financially. He said, ‘Some of you are sitting here tonight with $20 in your pocket.’ When he took the offering, I handed him that $20 bill. Now, I had never sung before, never written a song. But he said, ‘Your music and your ministry will go around the world.'”

More than 50 years have gone by since James sowed that seed. Since then, he’s won awards and traveled the world sharing the Gospel.

“Every time I get an award or have a hit song, my mind goes back to the $20 seed I planted that night,” James says. “God blessed my songwriting, and He blessed me.”

What God did for James, He’ll do for you, too—for He is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). When we plant a seed, believing God according to His Word, He’ll work in our situation to bring about the miracles we need. Our seeds of faith will produce results.

You can count on it.

For my full interview with Bishop James Payne listen to Expect A Miracle here. For more Spirit-filled content like this, subscribe to Expect a Miracle with Richard Roberts on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Richard Roberts, D. Min., is chief executive officer of Oral Roberts Ministries and co-hosts with his wife, Lindsay, a daily inspirational TV program, The Place for Miracles. Dr. Roberts is also the founder of the Richard Roberts School of Miracles, hosting thousands of online students from more than 140 countries. Richard conducts healing meetings throughout America, as well as ministers to and teaches pastors in underdeveloped countries the fundamental principles of healing, seed-faith and the Holy Spirit, so they may do the greater works of Jesus in their regions of the world.

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