Morning Rundown: ‘I Refuse to Believe in a God Who Would Make Hell’

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on

‘I Refuse to Believe in a God Who Would Make Hell’

If you are a person who says, “I refuse to believe in a God who would make hell,” here are three things you may want to consider:

1. God is the one who has provided the only way to keep you out of hell. If you choose to reject Him, hell is exactly where you will be going.

2. The God you think of as cruel for making hell is the same one who suffered a horrible death on the cross. He died in your place for your sins in order to save you from hell.

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Has George Washington’s Prophetic Warning Come to Pass?

Did America’s first president give us a prophetic warning?

In his New York Times bestseller, “The Return of the Gods,” Jonathan Cahn described how the false pagan gods of old have started to make their presence known in America as people turn away from the One, true living God. This was completely evidenced when a statue was erected years ago in the image of a bull, symbolizing Baal.

Yet, this didn’t just come without a warning—it came, as Cahn describes, after a warning from America’s very first president. In “The Return of the Gods,” Cahn writes:

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Embracing Holiness: A Path to Spiritual Distinction

In a world where conformity often reigns supreme, embracing a life of holiness can set one apart in profound ways. As Christians, we’re called to be in the world but not of it, and this distinction is perhaps most evident in our pursuit of holiness.

In his exclusive Beyond the Article interview with Charisma Magazine Online, author Ken Fish shares how the pursuit and the power of holiness does more than just help us to meet superficial requirements that we believe God may ask of us. Instead, seeking holiness helps us to know God in deeper and more meaningful ways.

“One of the things I’ve noticed about people who are not only on fire for the Lord, but people who are actually used by the Lord is they typically have a reverence for God,” Fish says. “They have a sense of awe and respect, and there are certain lines they won’t cross.”

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