Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Proverbs 18:13 Today’s proverb warns against making a decision before you have all the facts. So often we hear what we want to hear and then make decisions accordingly. We need to hear all the facts before we move ahead. Remember the phrase, “Just give me the facts, man.”

Besides hearing all the facts before we make a decision, there is something else we must always do. We need to inquire of the Lord. Our Bible heroes made so many mistakes when they failed to inquire of the Lord before making decisions. We always get into trouble when we make snap judgments and move in haste.

One of our Bible heroes made such a mistake. His name was Joshua. Joshua was given instruction by the Lord to destroy his enemies completely and this included all the neighboring countries. He was not to make any alliances or leagues with them. Gibeon was a neighbor of Israel who heard of the might of Israel and was afraid. The Gibeonites got together and designed a conspiracy in which they would try to get Joshua to make a league with them. They were very clever in this attempt, and it worked. They sent several men in tattered clothing and worn shoes. These men also carried moldy bread to give the appearance they had traveled a long way. When they presented themselves before Joshua, they were so convincing that Joshua made a league with them. He forgot one very important thing. He forgot to inquire of the Lord. The league was made and could not be broken even after Joshua discovered the Gibeonites’ deception. The Gibeonites became servants to Israel and could not be destroyed. Later they gave Israel a lot of trouble. All of this could have been prevented if Joshua had inquired of the Lord before making such an alliance. (See Joshua 9:3-26.)

Before making any big decision it might be prudent to do the following:

1. Hear all the facts

2. Hear what God thinks about it through researching the Word on the matter.

3. Hear what others we trust think about the matter. There is safety in many counselors.

Lord, forgive me for moving in haste so many times without waiting to inquire of You. I need Your guidance and wisdom. Help me never to move ahead again on a decision of importance without inquiring of You and seeking counsel from Your Word and others.

READ: 2 Kings 23:31-25:30; Acts 22:17-23:10; Psalm 2:1-12; Proverbs 18:13

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