Is Your Career Your Calling?

Integrating your faith with your work.

Are you in full-time Christian service? If you say “No” because you work in the secular world, you may be wrong, Robert J. Tamasy says. He explained: “Recently a friend of mine, a financial planner, commented, ‘I’d give anything to be able to go full time for the Lord.’

I thought about his statement for a moment and then replied, “What makes you think you haven’t already done that?”


In an article appearing in Workplace Wisdom Interactive, Tamasy points out, “I think many of us labor under a serious misconception: that only those things performed within the context of a church or Christian organization are ‘Christian service.’ Everything else is perceived as activity designed primarily to pay the bills and fill in the time from one church service to the next.”

It is true, Tamasy says, that God may call us to a Christian vocation—the pulpit ministry, missionary work or a position with a parachurch organization. “But it is wrong to believe that full-time Christian service means one’s salary comes from an institution whose purpose is explicitly to further the gospel. There is no such thing as a part-time Christian.”

Society, and even the Christian church today, has often held an unbiblical view of work and faith, says J. Victor Egan, president of Workplace Wisdom Ministries. “There is often a belief that there’s no relationship between what takes place on Sunday and what takes place on Monday. We need a paradigm shift in the way we view work. We need to know that our work is a call from God, and we are to experience Christ in every aspect of life, especially our work.”

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