Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How God Can Use Great Loss to Strengthen Your Faith

On this episode of The Power of Intimacy with Christ on the Charisma Podcast Network, Dr. Sharon Mancha interviews two women who have lost a child to violent deaths. These powerful women of God share their faith in God. This interview and conversation is heart-wrenching but empowering on how to survive the unimaginable. You will take away nuggets for surviving the loss of a child.

Mancha shares her own personal loss of a brother while interviewing her mother in her journey of healing from the loss of a son. The prophetess has been through difficult seasons that have informed her understanding of the importance to hold on to your faith in God.

Mancha has been tried in the fire and learned that yielding to God’s voice is essential to following God’s plan for your life. She proclaims that when we lean on God and find safety in intimacy with Him, there is healing and restoration for our lives.

“I know that relationship with God empowers the whole life and provides a solid foundation for understanding and successfully engaging the world around us,” Mancha says. She sees that relationship with God is necessary to experiencing ultimate joy and that out of this relationship flow all the resources for living a happy life (John 15:5).

An open and intentional effort to discern God’s voice leads to the abundant life in God.

Listen to the full interview here. {eoa}

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