Florida Prophet’s Surprising Reaction After Losing Church in Fire

At 8 pm, August 22, Prophet, Pastor Rich Vera texted me. “Pray, my church is on fire.”

We sent word to the prophets and prayer went up around the world for protection and God’s favor.

The fire alarm sounded while 40-plus members were gathered for ministry training in his church, Center Arena, in Orlando, Florida. His associate pastor, Mark Dyczok went to investigate. He opened the hallway door and was thrown to the floor by a wall of smoke and flames.

Unharmed, he returned to the classroom and within a minute everyone made their way to the parking lot. As the final person left the building, the roof erupted in flames. Unscathed they praised the Lord for miraculous protection.

The reason for the fire is still undetermined. However, we know that the fire erupted in section of the building that recently underwent renovation.

In an interview with Fox News, Vera said, “I was at home when I got a call from my assistant pastor saying ‘The church is on fire!’ I thought he was talking about the fire of God, but it turns out it was really on fire.”

Vera is the President and Founder of Voice of Healing Outreach, an International Prophetic Evangelistic Healing Ministry. He’s traveled to over 100 countries, preaching the gospel, healing the sick, casting out demons and leading God’s people closer to Jesus.

He walks in the same power and anointing as his spiritual father, Benny Hinn.

Miracles from the Hand of God

God moved through the prayers of all the Christians who supported Vera. These are the miracles He performed that night.

All 40-plus people were unscathed by the flames. Despite the rapid growth of the fire, the roof caving in and the concussive force the assistant pastor experienced, not a single hair was harmed. God protected His people!

The Lord answered before they asked. They didn’t need to call 911. Firefighters just so happened to pass the church on the way to their firehouse.

When our faith is in the Lord, even when the enemy strikes, He protects His own. It’s in the moment of tragedy that our faith is tested. Our light as believers shines brightest in the dark.

The Devastation of the Fire

Despite miraculous protection, Vera lost his entire property and suffered millions of dollars in damage. His church and training center, The Center Arena, A Miracle and Revival House, touch the community, city, state and nations. But now, his home base is gone.

The insurance claim is estimated to take a couple of months to conclude before rebuilding can begin.

His employees cannot work, his youth cannot meet, his community cannot be reached. All equipment including the one used for television to reach the world is gone.

As the world watched this man of God lose everything, they were stunned by his reaction:

“I’m not discouraged. I’m empowered by this! God will get the glory and we’re coming after the devil!”

What Will He Rebuild First?

When I asked him what he was most concerned about, he said:

“We have 100 children that just purchased musical instruments and their sound system. They couldn’t wait to open the boxes. They lost it all. Before we invest into our building, contributions will go to these children to return to them what the enemy stole.”

His priority is to get the offices functioning so they can continue to do God’s work. The congregants and community have rallied to support, rebuild and strengthen their faith in the Lord.

This testimony through disaster and beauty shows that at the end of the day, we are a body. It’s not when things are going well that we need one another, it’s when the enemy attacks that we need to stand in arms.

God always protects us. He always provides. He always restores. The enemy can attack physical possessions but when our relationships are strong and our faith in God is immovable and we are unstoppable.

Prophetic Ministry in Action

This is when our prophetic words count. In such crisis is when our “faith with works” matter. We send a trumpet call to all our Next Gen Prophets to pray, support and lift up one of the Father’s generals. We must be a generation that loves with action and not only words of exhortation.

Many great men prophesied of the prophetic move we facilitate today. Is it any surprise then that the enemy is hard at work resisting God’s plan? So, what should we do? We should pray. We should prophesy. We should support with whatever means at our disposal!

Let’s lock arms with our brother when he needs us. We have to fortify this work and get it fully functional fast.

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Craig and Colette Toach are spiritual parents to the Next Gen Prophets Tribe. Founders of Toach Ministries International, they lead the charge in training, releasing and cultivating the prophets. Their culture emphasizes character, deliverance, inner healing and prophetic worship. God sends them to the nations with a message to gather and then release His prophetic champions. www.myprophetictribe.com www.toachministries.com.

Colette Toach

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