Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Do the Current Days for the Church Reflect That of Esther’s Time?

There has been much reference to the historical account of God’s intervention to spare His people from the evil plot of destruction by Haman recorded in the book of Esther. The common theme has been that the days in which we’re living are very much like the days when the Jews’ existence was at risk at the time of Esther. As Christians and Jews are by faith in Christ one new people, Christians are now being attacked by the same anti-Semitic spirit that has existed since creation itself. What can we do to escape the efforts of the Hamans of our day? The first unwritten rule of war is to know your enemy.

Ephesians 6:12 (ESV) makes clear, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” The entity behind all evil is Satan, known as Lucifer in heaven. He influenced his spiritual minions, and he has always influenced humans to do his bidding. Therefore, there are humans who by way of their choices actually are our enemies. Jesus was clear we should pray for our enemies, and in that, he did not mean Satan and his fallen angels. Jesus meant humans who are influenced by Satan. We need to pray from a heart of wanting them to realize the error of their ways. Wanting them to repent and turn to God—to be saved through faith in Jesus and become transformed as a child of God, no longer a child of Satan.

However, as in the life of Pharaoh who enslaved the Hebrews recorded in Exodus, there comes a point in time where God knows a human will not repent. From that point on, that person is subject to God’s judgment. In light of current events, and the discernment of many that the days in which we’re living are very similar to the days of Esther, we may be very close to seeing God bring judgment upon people who have been promoting evil. Continue to pray for people to repent. However, should we see God’s judgment, we must know in His supreme wisdom, His intervention is for the good of His people.

Read the rest of the article at and listen to Faith to Live By on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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