Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Discover Why God Calls You His Crowning Glory

Before there was a “was,” there was God, who dreamed about you!

Before there was a throne for God to preside upon; Before there was a heaven for Him to rule or even an angel to do His bidding; Before there was an earth for Him to create Adam from; He, the Creator of all, was in the midst of nothing, in the place called nowhere, dreaming about you!

The Bible says God created the heavens and the earth, not just heaven, but heavens.

Yes, the unseen solid spiritual realm was created, as well as the physical realm, including earth.

This supreme being, our God, was all by Himself, complete in Himself, secure Himself, but longing to share this core of His being, the very essence of His life, which is love.

So He dreamed about you!

I want to share a quote from my book, Wake Up Into Your Dream:

“Within the parameters of the dream lay everything, from the galactic to the subatomic, to you, to me and all the things we long for. As you discover your divinely designed dream, you will maximize your potential as an answer to this realm. As your dream is unveiled, you will understand that you are an answer being delivered, not a problem to be solved.

How many people have lived and died and not awakened into their God-designed dream? It’s time to wake up to the splendor of it all! It’s time to wake up into your dream!”

You are dream, wrapped in flesh, propelled from the heart of the Father.

As beautiful as a sunset is on a Caribbean island or the breathtaking expanse of the Rocky Mountains or even the grandeur of the rainforest with all of its magnificent colors and critters, none can compare to you.

Angels have been described as being enormous and have the ability to fly and change forms. Their heralded strength is iconic, and they have the ability to wipe out complete armies with a single swipe of their flaming swords.

As awesome as angels are and as much as they are part of His dream, they are still not like you: the crowning glory of all His creation.

That description is held for you.

Jump on this Wake Up Into Your Dream podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network and get a glimpse of the majesty of God’s divinely designed dream! {eoa}

Barry C. Maracle has authored a bestselling book called Wake Up Into Your Dream. Much of his podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network will come from kingdom principles of life chronicled in this book. Wake Up Into Your Dream can be found at barrymaracle.ca, Amazon and is downloadable onto any e-reader.

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