A Faithful Ambassador

Proverbs 13:17-19 We talked about faithfulness yesterday and how it is the Lord who enables us to remain faithful (full of faith). This proverb speaks of the faithful ambassador. Verse 17 says, “A faithful ambassador brings health.” We are all called to be ambassadors for Christ. We are passing through a foreign land because as believers we have a new citizenship in heaven. When we are faithful in our role as ambassadors for Christ, we will bring health to others. There are many sick souls on this earth who are wanting healing. Only the ambassador for Christ can introduce these sick souls to the great physician Jesus who can heal every sin-sick soul. He is the healing balm that is poured upon the soul.

Ambassadors usually are assigned to specific countries where they take up residence. They are official representatives of their own country, and one of their charges is to inform people about their country and its policies. Think about it for a moment. If our citizenship is in heaven and we are ambassadors for Christ, then our duty is to inform others on earth about the country in which we have our citizenship—heaven.

Some people on earth picture heaven as a place where the saints ride on clouds and play harps.

Heaven is a real place. I remember hearing Betty Maltz give her testimony of what she saw in heaven when she died on a hospital bed and then revived. She said heaven is very much like earth, but everything is perfect. Nothing decays or dies, and there is no pollution. She noticed that much building was going on in heaven and Jesus was the foreman for all the buildings in heaven. Didn’t He say, “I go to prepare a place for you”? Everything in heaven was focused on the Triune God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There was no sorrow or tears in heaven, only abundance of joy, love and peace. There is only one policy in heaven: “Love the Lord and those around you, and worship the Lord your God with all your heart.” There are a lot of people in heaven to love.

When an ambassador goes to a foreign land, he is on assignment. As Christians we are strangers and pilgrims in the land, and we also are on assignment as ambassadors for Christ. Your assignment may be your own family, your neighborhood, your civic club, your garden club, your work place—wherever you find yourself during the day where other people are is your assignment.

What is your assignment? You must be faithful in your call as an ambassador for Christ and tell those who are sick where they can find healing, those who are brokenhearted where they can find hope, those who are heavy hearted where they can find joy, and those who are troubled in heart where they can find peace. The truth is everyone can experience heaven on earth if they daily obey the King of our country. His name is Jesus.

READ: Joshua 22:21-23:16; Luke 20:27-47; Psalm 89:14-37; Proverbs 13:17-19

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