Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

5 Ways You Can Step In and Launch Out in Your Kingdom Destiny

As believers, we tend to remain in our comfort zone instead of embracing the unknown. However, the Lord is waiting for us to step into our coracle (a small, lightweight boat) and push off from the shore. God wants to determine the where, when and how we move. When we remain on shore, we miss out on all that the Lord wants to do for us and through us—we miss the miraculous. Our unbelief, disobedience and lack of faith holds us back (Heb 3:16-19).

Every person has been anointed and given a gift to build up the church, no one is left out. We usually think that those in formal church positions are the only ones called, but this is inaccurate. God is waiting for you to say “Yes” to His direction.

So how do we step into our coracle, sit down and let the Spirit lead?

First, recognize that God is doing a new thing. This time of COVID-19 and racial tension is making all of us examine our hearts and realign our priorities. Unfortunately, we created habits of religion that worked in the past but it’s time to let go.

Recognize God’s ways are higher than yours (Isa. 55:8). There might be times you do not fully understand what God might be doing or why He chose you, but press into Him.

Sit still daily. Allow time for Him to speak to you. We are the ones usually speaking, but listening is vital. How does God speak? He uses Scriptures, worship music, devotions, a thought, an impression in your heart or even through what you are passionate about.

Ask the Lord to reveal what is hindering you from fully surrendering to His leadership. This is a daring task, so be prepared for the answer.

Set your mind on the things of God (Phil 4:9). Think eternally.

This is just a start. Get ready for the boat ride of your life, and watch what God will do!

Listen to the full episode of Living in the Light with Dr. Kristi Lemley on the Charisma Podcast Network here. {eoa}

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