Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

God does not want our money or labor–He wants our empty lives. In
exchange for our surrender, He gives us His life and faithful,
unwavering love.

God fills our lives with His beauty so we can radiate His glory. But we
cannot come to Him in the strength of our own merits. We must strip
ourselves of the lies we’ve believed and embrace His truth.

God calls us to the river of baptism where we are totally immersed into
life; all that is death is washed away. Such a rebirth is available in
every area of our lives.

We must look beyond what we see to what God sees. We must acknowledge
our need for Him, our need for His help. Ask Him to sow seeds of truth
into the soil of your humbled heart (see Is. 55:10-11).

The seed of truth is first planted in the rich soil of your spirit. As
it grows, we must tend it as we would a natural garden, watering it with
more of God’s Word and uprooting any weeds of destruction and

Some of the seeds that have been planted in your life may have produced
pain and heartache; these need to be uprooted. You must plant new seeds
of truth that will yield a harvest of healing and strength for your

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